Thursday 16 December 2021

If one does not repent!


Please let the evil of the wrong be ended, and You establish the righteous…….

If one does not repent! Be then prepared as….

He sharpens His sword, He bends His bow and makes it ready, and He has prepared for Himself instruments of death, He makes His arrows hot for pursuers.


See, he who is bound with wickedness, and has conceived trouble and brought forth falsehood, He has made a pit and dug it out, and falls into the ditch he made!

His trouble turns back upon his own head, and his wrongdoing comes down on the top of his head.

Elohim is a righteous judge.

My shield is upon Elohim, Who saves the upright in heart.

I give thanks to Yahuah according to His righteousness, and praise the Name of Yahuah Most High.

Do not call upon another elohim by name; it shall not be heard from your mouth.

Repent, or be judged by the righteous One.


Psalm 7:9, 12-16, 11, 10, 17.

Exodus 23:13.

Turn away from evil.

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