Thursday 9 December 2021



How far have people been brainwashed by the so-called democracy system.

Fear is seen in eyes or you hear the fear in their voices of people I have come into contact or spoken to in these last weeks - family, friends, work colleges and strangers.

I can understand those who do not believe in a Creator to have fear but should there be fear in a believer.

Does the bible not say we should only fear the Almighty?


Satan and his followers have infiltrated all parts of society right down to all sectors.

Sodom and Gomorra are no longer just two cities but it’s the world, including many who believe.

The Almighty of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is been mocked openly and most are blinded or brainwashed to not see this.

Many are taught that the Almighty has now accepted the lifestyle of Sodom and Gomorra.

The One I serve has no darkness in Him and His creation is made perfectly.

Hope drives us forward or let me say it this way; faith drives us forward.

What is “Hope?” It actually means nothing but wind.

Does faith or trust not carry value!


How does this sound: I hope it rains next week? And now this: I trust it will rain next week. Does it carry the same meaning?

None believers hope but don’t believers’ trust.

Remember how Daniel for example placed all his trust (faith) in the Almighty Father when he was under attack.

He did not hope, he trusted!

Not to mention all the other victories we read in the scriptures of believers who placed their faith in the Almighty.

People are falling away from truth at an alarming rate and many cannot see what is going on around them. Worldly fear is blinding them.

They look to a person, a government or some system/group of people who will turn the tables.


People don’t understand prophesy spoken by Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel etc., as they spoke of the wrong doings of Israel, the warnings they received and the judgement that finally came upon them.

These prophesies are for us today as well and they warn us what will happen if we ignore them and continue in sin.

Prophesy is been left for us to read so we can avoid falling into the same trap the people did in those times.

Those of us who have received truth need to sound the alarm as we are called to be priests or to be watchmen in these times.

There is no new prophesy, all prophesy till Revelations has been releveled for all generations.

The enemy is here to steal, deceive, destroy and bring fear into people’s hearts.

Many are falling for his tricks even those who are truly believers.

Watch out my friend, be awake at all times, do not slumber.

Be a priest, be watchmen.

Can you see the picture unfolding right before us!

Don’t hope, place your trust in the One that is the beginning and is the end – the Aleph and the Tav.

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