Friday 7 January 2022

Life is in the blood

O Father, I’m coming to You with a heavy heart.

Many innocent bloods are shed today and everyone seems to think it is normal.

They are wrong, You do not accept this murdering of innocent life.

Israel through their history shed innocent blood by offering their sons and daughters through fire to idols and every time You cried out against this and took action.

Today, Judah, scattered Israel and true believers think it is okay to shed innocent blood! Why have we fallen away from You Father?

Do we not learn from the mistakes made in history?

Father, You have made sure Your prophets recorded the sins of Israel and the consequences You brought upon them so we can avoid repeating these sins.

Wake-up people, break away from the worlds business. The system is slowly but surely making you fall away from the truth.

Don’t we remember when Cain killed Abel, how Abel’s blood cried out to Yahuah and how He took action against Cain for taking his brother’s life. (Genesis 4:8)


Do we as believers think Yahuah has changed or do we think Yahusha came to change the laws or does Judah think Rabbis have the right to change Yahuah’s laws.

The shedding of human blood is sternly prohibited. (Genesis 9:5)

Today innocent blood is shed through senseless wars, greedy murders, abortions, child trafficking and more.

We think it is different to what Israel and other nations did in the past.

Wrong my friend, it is no different, blood is been shed of innocent lives.

Father says life is in the blood, in other words when blood is in the flesh (human body) then there is life (a soul).

An infant’s heart starts beating in the womb at ±4 weeks which means blood is flowing through the fetus (baby). Baby has life.

An abortion at any stage of a pregnancy is shedding of blood and is no different to babies been offered to idols.

It is taking a life as the blood is the life.

Blood gives us life and it is Yahuah who gives this life.

It is said that between 40-50 million abortions are carried out each year worldwide.


Abba Father, have mercy on us. We are been led to a fall.

Just as He punished Israel in those days, so too will He punish us in these days.

His wrath is coming upon the nations who partake in this wickedness.

True Israel, true believers in Yahusha need to separate themselves from these sins.

Only the remnant of Yahuah will be protected when Yahuah’s wrath comes upon the nations.

‘Hear, O Israel, first you shall love Yahuah and secondly you shall love your neighbour as yourself.’

Obey these two great commands given to us. (Mark 12:29-31)


Turn to Yahuah and repent nations, those in authority and turn away from the abortion laws.

Their blood is crying out to Yahuah and He is hearing.

Psalm 106:38-43 And they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they offered to the idols of Kenaan; And the land was defiled with blood. So they became unclean by their own works, and went whoring by their own deeds. And the wrath of Yahuah burned against His people, and He loathed His own inheritance. Then He gave them into the hand of the gentiles, and those who hated them ruled over them. And their enemies oppressed them, and they were humbled under their hand. Many times He delivered them; But they rebelled in their plans, so they were brought low for their crookedness.

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