Friday 14 January 2022

Man-made laws


Isaiah prophesied about the hypocrites.

Matthew, Mark and Paul remind us of these hypocrites spoken by Isaiah.

Who was and still are the hypocrites!

Isaiah was talking to believers.

Yahusha spoke to the believers in His time and He is speaking to believers today as well.

Why were they called hypocrites?


It was because Israel (believers) worship Yahuah with their mouth and honored Him with its lips but their heart (soul) was far from Him.

Other words they were and still are worshipping Him by means of man-made laws and the traditions of men. (Isaiah 29:13)

Let that sink in because it is still been done today.

May it be a wake-up call.

Because of this man-made worship, Yahuah has poured out on those a spirit of deep sleep. (Isaiah 29:10)

Their eyes and ears are closed to understanding His word as their ears are tickled by the teachings and traditions of man.


People will ask rabbis, priests and normal people what does the words of Yahuah mean but they will not know themselves. (Isaiah 29:11-12).

The word of Yahuah is sealed to those who do not desire truth. Who do not go out to find the truth but would rather follow the works of man!

Be a lover of truth, seek truth, go after truth. If you truly want truth, you will find it.

Do you think this prophesy is only applicable for the tribes of Israel past and present?

No, includes Judah as they did and still are walking in their own laws/traditions – Read 2 Kings 17:19 Judah, also, did not guard the commands of Yahuah their Elohim, but walked in the laws of Israel which they made.

Do you understand why this “chosen people” theory we hear today is completely wrong!

Yahuah tells Daniel that His words shall be sealed till the time of the end.

Note not till the end of time but in the time of the end.

Yahuah says further that many in that time shall be made clean to understand but those in the wrong shall not understand. (Daniel 12:9-10)

Yah is speaking to believers, not to those who do not believe in Him.

The wheat and the chaff are separated and the real chosen people will be separated from the man-made ones.

Paul tells us majority of Israel’s (all 12 tribes) heart is hardened, except for a small chosen (remnant) and the seals are open for them to understand. (Romans 11:7-8)

That small remnant are the ones that do not follow man-made rules and traditions but strive for His truth and look for His Spirit to teach them His truth.

They are the chosen people of Yah – the ones that do not look to man for saving.

They worship Him in Spirit and truth – they hear and do.


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