Thursday 30 June 2022

Voice of my prayer


Psalm 130 and Psalm 139

Out of the depth of my heart have I cried to You, O Yahuah.

O Yahuah, hear my voice!

Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my prayers.











I have looked to You, O Yahuah, never stopped looking and waiting on Your word.

May our prayers reach Your dwelling place.

Please Yahuah, hear the cries of the young children and children in the mother’s womb











Young children are been abducted, sold, raped, abused, aborted and used as sex slaves/trafficking.

Innocent children are taught wrong ways, by adults who have wickedness in their hearts.

Please hear the cries of these innocent children, Father.

O Father Yahuah, may the little child’s voice be pleasing to Your heart.



Thursday 23 June 2022

Turn back from captivity








Question: are you living in captivity. This question may sound very strange to many.

But history tells us Yahuah sent His people into exile after many warnings given through His prophets for them to repent and to turn back from their sins.

Sometime later many of the people returned from exile in Babylon and Assyria whereby the remainder stayed behind. I’m sure the remainder that did not return back to the land felt it was much better in exile as they adopted to that culture. Sadly,some who returned brought back with them the Babylonian ways and this became part of their everyday life and religion.

Jeremiah the prophet warned the people in his time to “Come out of the midst of Babylon,” as Yahuah’s wrath was about to be released upon Babylon. Few did listen and fled. (Jeremiah 51:6 & Jeremiah 51:45)





Paul in his time also warned the people to “come out from among them and be separate, not to touch what is unclean so Yahuah can receive them and be His people. Was Paul talking about a spiritual Babylon. (2 Corinthians 6:17 & 2 Corinthians 7:1)








Yahuah is calling out a people for Himself, through His Son. It all started when Yahuah told Abraham to come out of his father’s land (Genesis 12:1), again when Yahuah told Israel to obey His voice and to be His chosen people (Exodus 19:5-6), and Yahusha gives the final call to “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues (Revelation 18:4).








Today, we are brought up in this system that our parents inherited from their parents, going back many years. Babylon, known as mystery Babylon, which includes Egypt and its religion.

Many of us have been awaken by the truth, realizing the lies we have inherited.

This is a high calling to all: To come out of this world of sin and to be separate or to be a set-apart people. (Psalm 80:3)










We are in the world but we do not need to be part of the world and its sin.

Many may say “It is impossible to come out of this sinful system.” I thought at first it is impossible but after studying the scripture I realized it is religion that tells us it is impossible. In fact, religion encourages us to stay in this system.

The god of this world is money. Everything including religion is around money.

We have been in this system for a very long time which has become part of our everyday living and therefore seems normal to us.

Is it impossible to be set-apart or are we just comfortable where we are? Believe me, I’m in the same boat as those who have been awaken by the truth.

With many sacrifices and by His guidance through His Spirit, it’s possible. Would the Creator expect us to do something that is impossible! I really do not think so.

Think about this for moment and be honest with yourself.

Does my question still sound strange?



Thursday 16 June 2022

This command is for you






‘In what way have we despised Your Name?’ So, say the priests.(Malachi 1:6).

“And now, O priests, this command is for you. “If you do not hear, and if you do not take it to heart, to give esteem to My Name,” said Yahuah of hosts, “I shall send a curse upon you, and I shall curse your blessings. And indeed, I have cursed them, because you do not take it to heart.(Malachi 2:1-2).

The meaning of despised; it implies that you "hate" that person, but it also carries with it the sense that you have contempt for that person.









The name of Yahuah has been despised by exchanging the Creator's true name with pagan names such as “god, lord, hashem, etc.

“Is anyone with you?” and he says, “No,” then he shall say, “Hush!” For we have not remembered the Name of Yahuah! (Amos 6:10)






Who try to make My people forget My Name (Yahuah) by their dreams which everyone relates to his neighbour, as their fathers forgot My Name for Baal? (Jeremiah 23:27).

The worlds religious leaders have and still are despising the Name of the Almighty Creator.





I was brought up with these pagan names including the false name for the Messiah and the Almighty showed me mercy for my lack of knowledge which He also shows to those who do not know the truth.

I now know the truth and no longer have excuse to call Him by any false name but His true Name.

I may not be pronouncing His Name 100% correctly which I truly want too, but I’m esteeming His Name as the scripture tells me this is what He wants.

Have you received the truth?

By what Name are you calling Him or do you prefer the traditions of men?



Thursday 9 June 2022

The way of the wrong






Blessed is the man who shall not walkin the counsel of the wrong, and shall not stand in the path of sinners, and shall not sit in the seat of scoffers, … (Psalm 1:1)

The wrong are not so, but are like the chaff which the wind blows away. Therefore the wrong shall not rise in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.(Psalm 1:4-5)












For Yahuah knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wrong comes to naught. (Psalm 1:6).

“And by flatteries he shall corrupt those who do wrong against the covenant, but the people who know their Elohim shall be strong, and shall act. (Daniel 11:32).










Other words, the wicked shall be further corrupted for doing wrong to the believing people of Yahuah, but for the people who know Yahuah shall be strong, courageous and do His work through His Word.

David and Daniel speaking about the present and the future, of a clear distinction between the righteous, those having the witness of Messiah Yahusha and doing the Torah in love and the wicked, those having the wicked one as their mark and sinning against theTorah.

Take courage brother and sister, Yahuah will take care of the wicked who do harm to His people.