Thursday 30 June 2022

Voice of my prayer


Psalm 130 and Psalm 139

Out of the depth of my heart have I cried to You, O Yahuah.

O Yahuah, hear my voice!

Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my prayers.











I have looked to You, O Yahuah, never stopped looking and waiting on Your word.

May our prayers reach Your dwelling place.

Please Yahuah, hear the cries of the young children and children in the mother’s womb











Young children are been abducted, sold, raped, abused, aborted and used as sex slaves/trafficking.

Innocent children are taught wrong ways, by adults who have wickedness in their hearts.

Please hear the cries of these innocent children, Father.

O Father Yahuah, may the little child’s voice be pleasing to Your heart.



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