Thursday 16 June 2022

This command is for you






‘In what way have we despised Your Name?’ So, say the priests.(Malachi 1:6).

“And now, O priests, this command is for you. “If you do not hear, and if you do not take it to heart, to give esteem to My Name,” said Yahuah of hosts, “I shall send a curse upon you, and I shall curse your blessings. And indeed, I have cursed them, because you do not take it to heart.(Malachi 2:1-2).

The meaning of despised; it implies that you "hate" that person, but it also carries with it the sense that you have contempt for that person.









The name of Yahuah has been despised by exchanging the Creator's true name with pagan names such as “god, lord, hashem, etc.

“Is anyone with you?” and he says, “No,” then he shall say, “Hush!” For we have not remembered the Name of Yahuah! (Amos 6:10)






Who try to make My people forget My Name (Yahuah) by their dreams which everyone relates to his neighbour, as their fathers forgot My Name for Baal? (Jeremiah 23:27).

The worlds religious leaders have and still are despising the Name of the Almighty Creator.





I was brought up with these pagan names including the false name for the Messiah and the Almighty showed me mercy for my lack of knowledge which He also shows to those who do not know the truth.

I now know the truth and no longer have excuse to call Him by any false name but His true Name.

I may not be pronouncing His Name 100% correctly which I truly want too, but I’m esteeming His Name as the scripture tells me this is what He wants.

Have you received the truth?

By what Name are you calling Him or do you prefer the traditions of men?



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