Thursday 20 April 2023

Here I am





“I have let Myself be inquired of, not by those who asked; I was found, not by those who sought Me. I said, ‘Here I am, here I am,’ to a nation not calling on My Name. (Isaiah 65:1)

Yah has said, ‘Here I am, here I am,’ to those who have not asked of Me. Yahuah declares that other people (other nations) would be taken into covenant with Him. Sin within Israel has caused Yahuah to deal with them severely as many were slow to believe and to trust Him. Not all Israel is Israel - Only a remnant of Israel will be true Israel – see Romans 9-6-7.







Here and many other scripture verses, Yahuah speaking about His Name not been called on by believers.

“I have held out My hands all day long to a stubborn people, who walk in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts; (Isaiah 65:2)

Yahuah is speaking about Israel, as the majority lived in sin due to not trusting and believing Him. Today it is still the same as of old; only a remnant of true believers will actually follow Yahuah until the end, no matter what comes their ways. Yahuah is merciful and patient by holding out His strong hand all day long – Thank you Yah.









The people who provoke Me continually to My face, who slaughter in gardens, and burn incense on altars of brick; who sit among the graves, and spend the night in secret places, who eat flesh of pigs, and the broth of unclean meat is in their pots, (Isaiah 65:3-4)

Again, Yahuah is speaking about the stubborn people of Israel, who walked and still are walking in their own ways, worshipping idols, following traditions of men and eating unclean food. People today are still mixing idol worship with true worship of Yahuah as many are blinded and hard of hearing.

Who say, ‘Keep to yourself, do not come near me, for I am set-apart to you!’ These are smoke in My nostrils, a fire that burns all day. (Isaiah 65:5)

Pride is the problem here to Yahuah. Majority of Israel and in general many believers who mix Yah’s ways with the world’s ways say they are true believers but to Yahuah it is unacceptable.







“See, it is written before Me: I am not silent, but shall repay, and I shall repay into their bosom, your crookednesses and the crookednesses of your fathers together,” said Yahuah, “who burned incense on the mountains and reproached Me on the hills. And I shall measure their former work into their bosom.” (Isaiah 65:6-7)

Yahuah is warning all believers today and in future that He will punish them severely who are lukewarm, thinking they can still mix the worldly entertainment (sin) with His ways. History has shown the previous people were punished and so will the future people be punished who partake in sin after repenting.








Wake-up true Israel. Let me repeat: Only a true (remnant) Israel will wake-up, the rest will follow their own man-made ways.

Let us walk away from sin and walk only in Yahuah’s way.

Know His Name and call on His Name, He clearly wants us to call Him by His Name.






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