Friday 7 April 2023

Our Father’s call

Isaiah 64:1-12 Oh, that You would tear the heavens open, come down, that mountains shall shake before You.

Yah's presence was seen and felt by the earth shaking. What an experience that must have been to witness. Yah opens the heavens to bring blessings or wrath to the earth.

Verse 2 as when fire burns twigs, as fire makes water boil – to make Your Name known to Your adversaries, so that nations tremble before You.(see also Jeremiah 5:22)

Do we no longer fear and tremble at Yah's presence! Why do we rebel against Yah all the time? Do we not learn from our forefathers past mistakes? Every time we go through hardship due to our rebellious ways.












Verse 3 When You did awesome matters, which we did not expect, You came down, mountains did shake before You! (See Psalm 68:8 + Exodus 34:10)

The miracles that werebrought upon the people was a gift from Yah. Again, the prophet expresses his feelings of Yah's presence on the earth just like it was at Sinai when the mountain shook when Yah came down from heaven. Yah told the people at Sinai He was going to do wonders as never been seen before by people. Why have we forgotten these wonders which can be with us again if only we trust Him.

Verse 4 Since the beginning of the ages they have not heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any Elohim besides You, who acts for those who wait for Him. (See 1 Corinthians 2:9)

Only one true Yah was heard and seen by the people who waited on Him. But many did not take the hearing and seeing to heart, only those who truly loved Him waited on Him.

Verse 5 You shall meet him who rejoices and does righteousness, who remembers You in Your ways. See, You were angry when we sinned in them a long time. And should we be saved?

Many praised and walked in Yah's ways. Yah was angry with those who turned away from Him and walked after sin. The prophet asks the question "should we be saved for walking in sin." Today we are doing exactly the same as our forefathers and again Yah's anger will burn against us for our wrong doings.

Verse 6 And all of us have become as one unclean, and all our righteousnesses are as soiled rags. And all of us fade like a leaf, and our crookednesses, like the wind, have taken us away.

We have become unclean and our right ways as dirty rags. We hear the truth but fade away from truth going back to our old unclean ways. According to scripture it’s falling away from the truth.






Verse 7 And there is no one who calls on Your Name, who stirs himself up to take hold of You; for You have hidden Your face from us, and have consumed us because of our crookednesses. (There are almost ½ the people on this planet who read and accept the bible, but not even 1/100 of one percent of them acknowledge the Creator's one and only Sovereign name Yahuah. Although it is recorded almost 7,000 times alone in the Tanach or Old Testament.

Very little people call on His Name. Many don't even know His Name butrather call Him by titles. And because of His Name been hidden from us, He has hidden Himself and given many over to their wicked ways.

Verse 8 And now, O Yahuah, You are our Father. We are the clay, and You our potter. And we are all the work of Your hand. (See Isaiah 29:16)

Please do not forget us, as You are our only Father. Yah, please remember us as we are just like clay needing Your potter's hand to work us into Your ways.






Verse 9 Do not be angry, O Yahuah, nor remember crookedness forever. See, please look, all of us are Your people!

Please may your anger against us be lifted to forgive our sins forever. Please Yah do not forget your promise for we are Your chosen people.

Verse 10 Your set-apart cities has become a wilderness, Tsiyon has become a wilderness, Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) a waste.

Because of our sin all our places have become waste and a desert area.





Verse 11 Our set-apart and comely House, where our fathers praised You, has been burned up with fire. And all that we treasured has become a ruin. (See 1 Chronicles 36:19)

Everything set-apart (holy) has and still is been destroyed or trampled by gentles.

Verse 12 In view of all this, would You restrain (control) Yourself, O Yahuah? Would You keep silent and afflict us beyond measure?




Please have mercy on us. Punish us Father but do not afflict us beyond measure. Please help us to turn back to You with true repentance and with a true clean heart. Open our eyes so we can see the chaff between and in us. May Your Ruach teach us Your ways so we can be Your people.


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