Thursday 8 June 2023

Rebellious House

Ezekiel 12:1-2 And the word of Yahuah came to me, saying, son of man, you are dwelling in the midst of a rebellious house. They have eyes to see but they have not seen, they have ears to hear but they have not heard, for they are a rebellious house.











What does it mean when Yah said the people have eyes to see but they have not seen, they have ears to hear but they have not heard?

This sounds like people typically saying they are believers but there is no fruit of faith to been seen or heard. They are those who go to church all dressed up but leave the building not remembering what the pastor preached. They confess to be believers but their lifestyle is of the world full of entertainment. They have been exposed to the truth (eyes/ears) but they do not walk/live in the truth, they have eyes and ears but see and hear nothing. They see and hear what they want to see and hear, what they see and hear is not of the Rauch but a spirit of deception.













In my past I would attend church every sunday, sing songs and listen to the word been read but did not have an idea what the word said. My worldly ears and eyes were open to what was read which made me feel good but my spiritual eyes and ears were closed. After church I would go back to my normal ways, back into the entertainment of the world.

The lukewarm, the fence sitters, the ones who have one foot in the world and the other foot in Yah's ways. I was this way until I realized something was wrong and asked Yah to show me His truth.







Yah says they are a rebellious people whose eyes and ears are closed to the truth.

These are hard words but it’s a fact! I know because I was one of them.

My friend, is your eyes and ears open to the truth?

Don’t quench His Ruach (Spirit) as it leads to be a rebellious house.



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