Thursday 6 July 2023

Plant young twigs









In Ezekiel 17 a parable is spoken by Yahuah of a great eagle with various feather colors and also of another great eagle.

The parable explains the heads of Babylon taking the rebellious heads of Israel to Babylon and coerced them into a covenant with Babylon and how the treasures of the land been given away. Yahuah’s punishes Israel by allowing the heads of Israel been taken by Babylon and the other people (middle class) in the land be scattered across the world.

Something to note - Babylon is depicted by a great eagle another clue to who end time Babylon is.









The verse I would like to concentrate on is Ezekiel 17:22-24 Thus said the Master Yahuah, “And I shall take of the top of the highest cedar and set it out. And I Myself shall pluck off a tender one from the top most of its young twigs, and plant it on a high and lofty mountain.“On the mountain height of Israel, I plant it. And it shall bring forth branches, and bear fruit, and become a big cedar. And under it shall dwell birds of every sort, in the shadow of its branches they shall dwell. “And all the trees of the field shall know that I, Yahuah, have brought down the high tree and exalted the low tree, dried up the green tree and made the dry tree flourish. I, Yahuah, have spoken and shall do it.”

In my view these verses may have two meanings or both may be joined into one meaning (Note: they are my interpretation and pray Yah will guide you when reading them).












Yah will pluck off a remnant of twigs with wisdom/knowledge and plant them between people bringing the Good News. These twigs (remnant) shall bring forth branches (people), to bear good fruit (true believers) and become a great nation of believers. All the different birds (different nations) shall dwell under the branches (giving the good news to all). All the trees of the field (people) shall know who Yahuah is. The high green trees (pride rich people) shall be brought down to the level of the low dry trees (humble poor people) and the low dry trees (people) shall flourish and be blessed.

Or it could mean Yahuah will take the top highest cedar (Yahusha Messiah) together with the remnant of twigs and plant them between people bringing the Good News. These twigs (remnant through Yahusha) shall bring forth branches (people), to bear good fruit (true believers) and become a great nation of believers. All the different birds (different nations) shall dwell under the branches (giving the good news to all). All the trees of the field (people) shall know who Yahuah is. The high green trees (pride rich people) shall be brought down to the level of the low dry trees (humble poor people) and the low dry trees (people) shall flourish and be blessed.

Pray Yahuah through Yahusha Messiah and the Ruach guide you to understand these words given to Ezekiel the prophet.



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