Thursday 3 August 2023

No good report








This message is not a good report. In fact, many may not read it complete as the news is bad and could bring sadness to a believer.

I was sad at first reading Ezekiel chapter 21 and 22 but as I started to study the chapters I realized it is a message to teach us and the future generations.

The previous chapter 20, Yah was speaking to the prophet Ezekiel about the history of Israel, how He saved each generation from many bad situations but each time they rebelled against Him.










The next two chapters is all about YAH’s wrath and punishment against the nation.

These are very important chapters to study as they will prepare you for your walk with Yahuah. The message will teach you and I to walk in righteous, as the word tells us what the consequences are when walking in rebellion. Yahusha Messiah restored the covenant for us but this does not mean there is no consequences for being rebellious.

The two chapters are very long therefore I will not go through them verse by verse. I would suggest you read the chapters before reading any further as it will give you good understanding when reading my message below.

Yah tells Ezekiel to drop word against Jerusalem and to prophesy against the land of Israel, to tell them Yah is against them and punishment shall come upon them. The wrong shall be cut-off from the wrong with His wrath going out to all flesh in the north and the south (Ezekiel 21:2-4).

Ezekiel 21.

The people saw how Ezekiel was groaning (sighing), because he knew the report that was about to come upon the nation of Israel (verse 7).

The next few verses Yah speaks of a sword. This is the sword of Yahuah to be used for judgment (verse 9-17).

Verse 13 “For it is a trier, and what if it even despises the rod?  Shall it not be?” declares the Master Yahuah. “Rod” is the king's scepter. The statement is saying what will Judah do if a king is no longer there to rule over them?

Verses 19-23 are the two paths (a crossroad) where Babylon would take to either attack Israel or/and Ammon.



Verse 24, Because of their old sins, plus committing new ones, both against Yah, and against the king of Babylon the old and new will be remembered. All their transgressions (sins) are discovered; in the worship of Yah, and in their covenants and agreements with men; their sins were exposed and manifest to all, not only to Yah, who was provoked thereby, but to the nations round about. Because of the sins, they shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon.

 Verse 25-27, The prince (priests) of Israel’s headdress the turban shall be removed by Elohim's intervention. ‘Overthrown, overthrown, I make it overthrown! It shall be no longer. Clearly talking about the priesthood of man been taken away and given to the rightly owner the Messiah. The scepter would return to Israel when King Messiah would appear. Read Genesis 49:10 “The sceptre (scepter) shall not turn aside from Yahudah (Judah), nor a Lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and to Him is the obedience of peoples. Shiloh is also another title for Messiah.


Ezekiel 22

Verse 2-3 Judge the city of Jerusalem, in which was shed the blood of the prophets sent unto her and show her all her abominations and how she became defiled; lay them before her; convict her of them; show her the evil of them, and the punishment they deserve; every kind of sin she was guilty of; those sins that were the most flagrant, and most frequently committed, and which were abominable to Yahuah.

Yah is highlighting all the wickedness happening in the great city of Jerusalem.


Verse 4-5 “You have become guilty by the blood which you have shed, and have defiled yourself with the idols which you have made. Thus, you have brought your days near, and have come to the end of your years.

Yah’s patience had finally run out and the only option left for Jerusalem was judgement. Jerusalem would become a mockery and a defiled name.

Let’s look at today and compare the above verses to our time! Are we guilty of the same wickedness?












The following verses 6-12, is highlighting the sins that the leaders of Israel encouraged Jerusalem to do.

Some of the sins are.

Despised parents

Oppressed the stranger

Wronged the fatherless (mother and child) and widow

Despised that is Set-apart (Holy) to Yah.

Profaned the Sabbaths

Slanderous men shedding blood.

Eating unclean on high places and unchaste acts.

Uncovered the nakednessof a father.

Humbled women who are defiled during their uncleanness

Abomination with the neighbour’s wife.

Wickedly defiled his daughter-in-law in unchaste acts.

Humbled his sister,his father’s daughter.

Taken a bribe to shedblood.

Taken interest and increase.

Cut off your neighbour by extortion.

Forgotten Yah and His ways.

All above is violations of the Torah - read Leviticus 25:35-37. One of the gravest sins that Israel committed was to defile the Sabbath day – read Ezekiel 20:13, 21, 24.


Verse 13-14, Yah says, see, I shall smite My hand because of your greedy gain which you have made, and at the bloodshed which has been in your midst. Yah has spoken and shall do it.

Verse 15-16, Yah will scatter all Israel among the gentile nations and shall disperse them in all lands. Their Yah will destroy all the uncleanness out of them and they will be profaned in them in the eyes of the nations. Then they shall know that I am Yahuah.

This scattering of Israel already happened and are dispersed in all nations. Yah, I believe is busy removing the uncleanness from the repentant people and we are starting to know Him again as prophesied.

Verses 17-22, The judgment would include the furnace where the people shall be tried and purged.

Dross - A frequent metaphor which denotes not only the corruption of the people, who have become like base metal, but also a future purification whereby, the “dross” being burned away, the remnant of good may appear.


Verses 23-31 The special sins of princes, priests, and people. This was proof of the general corruption, that there was not in the city sufficient righteousness to save it from utter destruction. Prince, prophet, priest, all failed. The prophets conspired to tell lies giving false prophesies to the people.

It was the responsibility of the priests to be teaching the Torah to the people but instead they profaned the Sabbaths. The rulers in her midst were like wolves tearing prey, to pour out blood, to destroy souls, in order to gain unjust gain. The prophets had false visions and lied by saying Yah has told them these visions. The people oppressed and robbed others.

The leaders/priests shall be judged harshly for mis-leading Yah’s people.

Zephaniah 3:4 Her prophets are reckless, treacherous men. Her priests have profaned the set-apart place, they have done violence to theTorah.







In verse 30, Yah asks if there is a person that stand in the gap of the land that Yah should not destroy it, but Yah found no one.  Jeremiah 5:1, “Diligently search the streets of Jerusalem, and please look, and know and seek in her open places if you find a man, if there is anyone doing rightruling, seeking the truth, then I shall pardon her.

Verse 31, So I have poured out on them My disgust. With the fire of My wrath, I consumed them. I have given their way on their heads, states Yahuah.

Shocking and very sad.

Do we have eyes to see and ears to hear?

Are we going to learn from our past history or are we going to be as rebellious as our forefathers were?

Just like before judgement will come upon the rebellious ones.



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