Thursday 16 November 2023

No forgiveness



Can someone not be forgiven? When can someone not be forgiven?

In the Christian faith it’s been taught “say a pray and you will be forgiven.” Your sins are forgiven through Jesus’ blood, so no matter what you do, Jesus has taken your place of punishment.

Based on the above many believers think they can continue in sin. Sadly, many are deceived and don’t even know what sin is.




In Amos chapter 6, Yahuah says Israel has become a nation relying on man and their riches. They think they are better, stronger, greater than other nations but Yah says because of your pride and greed they will be exiled. Israel turned what is right into wrong and because of these wrongs they will be punished.











In chapter 7 Amos asks Yahuah to forgive Israel and not to punish them, but this is what Yahuah says to Amos. Amos was a shepherd and animal herder and he pleads for Israel with a shepherd's heart.

Amos 7:1-6 This is what the Master Yahuah showed me, and see, He was forming locust swarms at the beginning of the late crop. And see, it was the late crop after the mowings of the sovereign. And it came to be, when they had finished eating the grass of the land, that I said, “O Master Yahuah, forgive, I pray! How does Jacob (Israel) survive, for he is small?” Yahuah relented concerning this. “It shall not be,” said Yahuah. This is what the Master Yahuah showed me, and see, the Master Yahuah was calling to contend by fire, and it consumed the great deep and did consume the portion, and I said, “O Master Yahuah, please stop! How does Jacob survive, for he is small?” Yahuah relented concerning this.“This shall not be either,” said the Master Yahuah.

Yahuah tells Amos a plumb-line is set between the people and He will no longer forgive.


 Amos 7:7-8 This is what He showed me, and see, Yahuah stood on a wall made with a plumb-line, with a plumb-line in His hand, and Yahuah said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb-line.” And Yahuah said, “See, I am setting a plumb-line in the midst of My people Yisra’el, no longer do I pardon them.

In Amos 7:17 is the predicted fall of Israel due to their sin.

In Amos 8:2 Yahuah says for a second time He will not forgive Israel any longer.










And Yahuah said to me, “The end has come upon my people Yisra’el, no longer do I pardon them.

Why did Yahuah not forgive Israel this time?

Yahuah is patience, long suffering and merciful but a time comes when Yahuah’s patience runs out and He has no other choice but to punish. Just like a parent warns his child to stop been naughty and after many talking to stop, turns to punishment.

Israel was warned by many prophets but they still did not hear.

Many people could not wait for Sabbath to pass so they could go back to selling and making money. Riches was more important than the Sabbath or Yahuah.

Amos 8:4-6 Hear this, you who are swallowing up the needy, to do away with the poor of the land, saying, “When does the New Moon pass so that we sell grain, and the Sabbath so that we trade our wheat, to make the ephah small and the shekel large, and to falsify the scales by deceit, to buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals, and sell the chaff of the wheat?”


Chapter 8 renews the declaration, that the end of Israel was come on account of their iniquity. Yahuah would no longer pass it over. The prophet announces likewise the distress the people should come into from being deprived of all guidance from Yahuah. They who trusted in the vanities that Israel had set up for themselves should fall, and never rise again.

What do you think, are our days coming as in Amos time?

It must be a lesson for us, so that we turn back in truth. Hear and do.


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