Thursday 15 December 2016

Rejoice with singing

"Yahuah your Elohim (Almighty) is in your midst, is mighty to save. He rejoices over you with joy, He is silent in His love, He rejoices over you with singing" Zephaniah 3:17 

HalleluYAH, is that not wonderful, Father has joy and sings when we turn back to Him and became His Set Apart children.

He is in my midst, praise Him with a joyful heart. Singing the victory Psalms releases His power and might within your spirit.  

Remember, it is His joy, not yours, nor mine that brings the deliverance! So, sing with great enthusiasm to your King!  

Nehemiah 8:10, then he said to them, “Go, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom none is prepared. For this day is set-apart to our Yahuah. Do not be sad, for the joy of Yahuah is your strength.” 

Today! Are you overflowing with peace, joy, and expectation of deliverance through the coming of Messiah? 

Praise Yah with singing

Oh, clap your hands, all you people! Shout to Elohim with a voice of singing! For Yahuah Most High is awesome - Psalms 47:1-2.

Psalms 47:6-7, sing praises to Elohim, sing praises! Sing praises to our Sovereign, sing praises! For Elohim is Sovereign of all the earth; Sing praises with understanding. 

My heart is firm, O Elohim, My heart is firm; I sing and praise. Awake, my esteem! Awake, harp and lyre!

I awake the dawn. I praise You among the peoples, O Yahuah; I sing to You among the nations.- Psalms 57:7-9. 

Sing to Yahuah a new song, sing to Yahuah, bless His Name, proclaim His deliverance from day to day - Psalms 96:1-2.

I sing of loving-commitment and right-ruling; to You O Yahuah, I sing praises, I act wisely in a perfect way, when do You come to me? I walk in the midst of my house with a perfect heart - Psalms 101:1-2.

Give thanks to Yahuah! Call upon His Name, make known His deeds among the people. Sing to Him, sing praise to Him - Psalms 105:1-2. 

Praise Yah! Oh give thanks to Yahuah, for He is good! - Praise 106:1.

Praise Yah! Praise, O servants of Yahuah! Praise the Name of Yahuah! Blessed be the Name of Yah, Now and forever! Psalms 113:1-2.  

Let’s praise and sing to Heavenly Father like David did. O, I love Him so much, my Saviour, my King. May your heart be full of singing and praises?

Be ready and prepared always. Praise Yah!

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