Thursday 8 December 2016

Wrath of Almighty

Many people (Christians) are taught that all you have to do to be saved is to confess that you believe in Jesus. After this confession you are saved and you cannot loose your salvation. It is said "Once saved, always saved!

People say they are weak, therefore they will always sin, sin cannot be prevented as we live in a sinful world, but grace is all we need to be saved. They say Jesus died for all sins, so, no matter what a person who believes does right or wrong they are saved by grace. 

For arguments sake, let’s look at 2 examples of people who profess to believe in Jesus and say they are saved.

First example: A married man goes with his work colleges to a strip show to watch naked girls dancing on poles.

He has no worries because the Pastor told him Jesus loves him and Jesus knows we are weak.... Actually what he says by going to the strip show is that he is not sinning, he is not doing anything wrong, he is only having fun, no harm done, and it is only naked girls.

His wife will not have a problem with him watching naked girls, as long as he does not touch the girl. 

Second example: A married woman, who attends church every Sunday, goes to town wearing a revealing top with most of her bosom hanging out.

Other men see her and lust after her and she in return flirts with them, thinking no harm is done it is just having fun.

Her husband loves her in the top and therefore approves of her walking in public with these revealing clothes. 

Both these two examples are people that believe in "Once saved, always saved." 

Many say Heavenly Father was strict in the Old Testament but in the New Testament His Son Yahusha (Jesus) came and changed all that into love. Love your neighbour and love Jesus.

After His death, He left us with love and grace. 

Is this what you have been taught? Is this what the scripture (Bible) says? 

I was taught in this way and lived this way most of my life. I believed and trusted the pastor/preacher that what he was teaching me was all true. 

Round about seven years ago I read/studied the Scriptures (bible) from the first book (Genesis) to the last book (Revelation), which took me 1 year and 3 months of study. I studied every single day and also making notes of important verses.

In doing so I realized after reading the complete scriptures that I was only taught half the truth. 

What does Heavenly Father say in His word about people who say they believe in him and still live in sin? 

Question: Were the 2 examples I gave of the married man going to a strip show and the married woman wearing revealing clothes + flirting acceptable in the eyes of Messiah Yahusha. 

Are they sinning?

Another question; what is love? If I love my wife, would I flirt with other woman or would I watch another woman's naked body.

Do I really love my wife if I do this!

What does scripture say about love!

Do you know that obedience is a love issue?

Messiah (Jesus) replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching/commands (His Word). My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. He who does not love me will not obey my teaching (His Word). These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me." - John 14:23-24.  

What is His teaching? It's the Word, His living word, the Bible/Scripture that is His teaching. And Messiah says that His word comes from His Father. Yahuah does not change! 

If you love Him, then you will do His teaching. Obedience is a behaviour issue. 

Let's lock this down. We obey only if our behaviour conforms to the Heavenly Father's commands. We disobey if our behaviour does not conform to the Father's commands. 

Locking this down even further - ignorance is not an excuse. For the wrath of Yahuah (Heavenly Father) is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about Yahuah is evident within them; for Yahuah made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse - Romans 1:18-20.  

What these verses are saying is that Father has made sure that everyone will know what is right and what is wrong, this was given to all from the beginning of creation. We have no excuse in knowing what is right or wrong we are born with a certain amount of this knowledge of what is right or time goes by we may suppress this knowledge or we become so used to sin and sinning that our consciences become insensitive but there is no excuse as His Word is available to everyone. The Word is the truth. 

The 2 examples above of the man and the woman.... They are out right fools!

Because, although they knew Elohim, they did not esteem (respect & admiration) Him as Almighty, nor gave thanks, but became self-centred in their reasonings, and their undiscerning heart was darkened - Romans 1:21.

Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and changed the esteem of the trustworthy (righteous) Elohim into the likeness of an image of corruptible (dishonest) man, and birds and 4-footed beasts and of reptiles - Romans 1:22-23. 

People became self-centred, everything is about self because they take Yahuah's respect and change the respect to them self and man. 

Heavenly Father says He will give them up for uncleanness (filth) in lust of their hearts, to disrespect their bodies among themselves, who changed the truth of Elohim into falsehood, and worshipped and served what was created rather than the Creator....... - Romans 1:24-25.  

Think of the 2 people; the man that went to the strip show and the woman that flirted and wore revealing clothes.

Father says He will give them the lusts (filth) of their hearts, because they changed Father's truth into falsehood. They will worship their self, their bodies, other bodies, idols, gold, silver, money, anything that was created by Elohim rather then the Almighty Father Himself. 

Almighty (Elohim) will give them over to the following: degrading passions; women sex with women or animals (scripture says, exchange natural relations for what is against nature), men sex with men (homosexuality), committing indecency (pornography, watch naked woman, wearing indecent clothes) and receiving back the reward which was due for their straying (drifting away) - Romans 1:26-27. 

Do you still think the 2 people (strip show & revealing clothes) are doing nothing wrong in Yahusha (Jesus) eyes? 

In the 2 examples I used above do you know why they think it is okay to still sin?

It's because Heavenly Father has given them over to their lust. Messiah will not be mocked! 

Messiah says in Romans 1:28, even as they did not think it worth-while to possess the knowledge of Elohim, Elohim (Almighty God) gave them over to a worthless mind, to do what is improper. 

You hear what Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) is saying, if you think His word/truth is not important for you and you carry-on living in sin, then He will give you over to worthlessness and wickedness to do all the lusts of your heart. 

This is what He says you will be given over too in (Romans 29-31); unrighteousness, whoring, wickedness, greed, evil; filled with envy, murder, fighting, deceit, evil habits; whisperers(suspicion/secrecy), slander (backbiting),haters of Elohim, insolent(abusive/insulting), proud(self), boasters(brag/talking big), devisers of evils, disobedience to parents, without discernment, covenant breaking, unloving, unforgiving, ruthless. 

Look at this list and ask yourself, have I been given over to this. 

I look at the list and ask the Spirit of Yahuah (Holy Spirit) to convict me of anything I am doing wrong. 

Listen to verse 32; who, though they know the righteousness of Elohim, that those who practice (sinning) such deserve death......... 

If you know the truth and you prefer anyway to practice in sin, then you deserve death. 

Messiah said in Matthew 5:28, anyone looking at a woman (or man) to lust for her (she is beautiful, I would like to sleep with her) has already committed adultery (sin) with her in his heart. 

Messiah is light (clean/righteous) and no darkness is in Him. 

The 2 examples of the married man watching a strip show and the married woman revealing her body and flirting with men are confessing Yahusha (Jesus) (the LIGHT) but partaking in darkness (sin) and Messiah says He is ONLY LIGHT, in Him is NO DARKNESS. 

These 2 examples of the people behaving unclean are according to the Bible not see the kingdom of Yahuah. 

Repent (turn away from sin) and be in light, the light of Messiah.

Praise Yah all the time!

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