Tuesday 20 December 2016

The Green Tree

For the laws of these peoples are worthless, for one cuts a tree from the forest, work for the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. They beautify it with silver and gold; they strengthen it with nails and hammers so that it does not topple - Jeremiah 10:3-4.

And you said, 'I am not serving you,' when on every high hill and under every green tree you lay down a whore - Jeremiah 2:20.

Only, acknowledge your crookedness, because you have transgressed against Yahuah your Elohim and have scattered your ways to strangers under every green tree..... Jeremiah 3:13. 

The above verses are about people cutting a green tree from the forest, taking the tree to a high place, crafting into a shape, nailing into position, decorating the tree with silver and gold items.

The scripture talks about whoring under the tree which may mean that wickedness was made or placed under the tree to worship! 

The 2nd commandment says that we may not make a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above (stars, moon, sun etc.), or which is in the earth (animals, trees, stones, wood, men etc.) beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth (fish etc.) - Exodus 20:4-6.

Do not keep or make a moulded god for yourself - Exodus 34:17 & Leviticus 19:4.

Do not make idols for yourselves and do not set up a carved image or a pillar for yourselves and do not place a stone image in your land - Leviticus 26:1.

Do not make for yourselves a carved image in the form of any figure - the likeness of male or female, of any beast, of any bird, of any creeping creature or of any fish or the sun, moon and stars - Deut 4:16-19 

Having a carved image of anything is not allowed, it is against Heavenly Father's will, so why do we have these images like the green tree in our houses every year.

Many people will be shocked at what I am about to say but my Father in Heaven’s truth must be known and you have the choice to accept or reject this truth. 

Christmas is thought by most to be a wonderful time, focusing the participants on giving, family togetherness and feasting on special foods. All of this is supposedly centred on the worship of Messiah Yahusha (Jesus).

Do the Scriptures (Bible) instruct us to do all this — no, it does not!

Why do people think that Christmas is wonderful? Most never reflect on why they believe what they believe or do what they do. We live in a world filled with customs, but few ever seek to understand their origin. We generally accept them without question. Most people basically do what everyone else does—because it is easy and natural! The most common justification that one will hear regarding Christmas is that people have replaced old pagan customs and intents by asserting that they are now “focusing on Messiah.” Many say that they are “honouring Messiah” in their Christmas-keeping.

Heavenly Father says that this is NOT acceptable to Him! Actually, He plainly commands against it! Keeping Christmas dishonours Messiah! He considers everything about it to be an abomination! Messiah said, “But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew. 15:9). 

Christmas is not a command of Heavenly Father or Messiah—it is a tradition of men. Messiah continued, “Full well you reject the commandment of Yahuah, that you may keep your own tradition” (Mark 7:9). Every year, throughout the world, on December 25th, hundreds of millions do just that!

Heavenly Father Yahuah plainly commands, “Follow not the way of the heathen.” But most people do not fear Yahuah, and He allows them to make their own decisions.

Human beings are free moral agents—free to obey or disobey Father! But woe to those who ignore the plain Word of Yahuah! 

“The Christmas tree is from Egypt, and its origin dates from a period long anterior to the Christmas Era.” 

Did you know this—that the Christmas tree long preceded Christianity? Most aspects of Christmas are not referred to in the Bible.

Of course, the reason is that they are not from Heavenly Father—they are not part of the way He wants people to worship Him.  

The Christmas tree, however, is directly mentioned in the Bible - Jeremiah 10:2-5. This plain description of the modern Christmas tree is clear. Yahuah directly refers to it as “the way of the heathen.” Just as directly, He commands His people to “learn not the way of the heathen,” calling these customs “vain.” Verse 23 adds a remarkable and powerful statement: “O Yahuah, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walks to direct his [own] steps.”

Father must teach people how to live. Man simply cannot figure out Father's ways for himself.

There is no room in Jeremiah 10 to believe, as some have tried to suggest, that because these trees are powerless of themselves, it is not really forbidden to have a Christmas tree.  

Yahuah condemns the putting up of pagan (Christmas) trees with this plain Scripture command!

Please pray for Yahuah’s guidance if you are a believer and still celebrating Christmas. 

Praise Yah, He is the Creator!

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