Thursday 5 January 2017

Daniel's love for Father

Daniel chapter 9 expresses the love Daniel had for Heavenly Father, his commitment to know scripture, his commitment to learn truth, his love for Father's Torah, his love for Israel, his determination to ask Father to forgive him and Israel and to take Israel back.
Daniel prayed 3 times a day, and fasted, just to seek Elohim to forgive Israel.
Daniel 9:2-19, is the humble determination of him asking Father Yahuah through prayer the forgiveness of Israel's sins and rebellion.
Daniel confesses to Father that Israel has rebelled against His Torah (Instructions), His commands and is not following Father as His set apart people.
Daniel lived in a time when the nations were wicked (Babylon), just as we are! The whole system we are living in is wicked! Even in this situation, Daniel was still committed to following Father's instructions and he was rewarded for his loyalty!
Father gave him visions of the future. Verse 17, "And now, our Elohim, hear the prayer of Your servant....... Again in verse 18, "O my Elohim, incline Your ear and hear.
Listen to Daniel’s determination in verse 19, "O Yahuah, hear! O Yahuah, forgive! O Yahuah, listen and act! Do not delay for Your own sake, my Elohim, for Your city and Your people are called by Your Name."
Due to Daniel's faithfulness, he is rewarded, in verse 21 to 27, while he was praying, the angel Gabriel came to him and showed Daniel through visions the future of the coming of Messiah, the Messiah's death, the destruction of the Temple and what would take place at the end of this age.

Daniel is said to be; verse 23, "the greatly appreciated one" (beloved one).
Daniel loved Israel and he loved Heavenly Father so much and wanted Israel's sins to be forgiven so Father could take them back!
Would you not like to be called the "beloved one", I would! 
Let’s be like Daniel and give up this world and entertainment system and pray as Daniel prayed.
Pray that Heavenly Father forgives our sins and Israel's sins so that we may be restored to Him as His set apart people.
Please pray as the time is short, pray as if you don't have another chance!

 O Yah, I pray!

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