Friday 13 January 2017

Imitators of Elohim (Almighty)

When we call ourselves children of Elohim (God), we then need to imitate Him.
In Ephesians 5:1-2, says we must become imitators of Elohim as beloved children. And walk in love, as Messiah also has loved us, and gave Himself for us, a gift and an offering to Elohim for a sweet smelling fragrance.

I do not think we realize how much our Heavenly Father, the Creator of the heavens and the earth loves us.
Do we realize that if Messiah did not love us and did not give Himself up for us, we would be lost? That was a gift and an offering
But now we have a chance to have everlasting life with Him, the number 1 person in this universe.
This means we have a free will in making a choice to follow Him truly with love and to imitate Him.
To imitate Him will not be difficult because Messiah (Jesus) promised us the Set apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) who would help us to follow Heavenly Father in love.
Fellow believers, lets pray for each other for guidance and for Fathers gift.
To Abba: Yah, I live by Your Word! I do as You say! I think what You want me to think!  I am led by Your Spirit as I walk through my day! My one goal is to dwell in Your Presence – now and forever! The cry of my heart is to know You! I put my ear to your heart so that I do not miss a word that flows from Your mouth!

 Praise YAH

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