Thursday 26 January 2017

Forbidden Relationships

Yahuah (Heavenly Father) has instructed Israel in Leviticus 18 not to have sexual relationships or "uncover nakedness" with certain members of their family, like brothers and sisters, the sin of incest....Etc. 

These laws are still applicable for us today. I read a newspaper clip the other day, in it was reported that a father was sentenced to life in prisonment for raping his 8 year old daughter over many years. Nothing is new under this sun!  

What was happening in Moses's time still happens today! 

We so often hear that we cannot compare the old times of Israel to modern times of today? This is not true, the law made in those times is still absolutely applicable today.

Here are the laws in Lev. 18;

Verse 7, no sex with your father or your mother. 

Verse 8, no sex with your father's wife (stepmother). 

Verse 9, no sex with your sister or stepsister. 

Verse 10, no sex of your son's daughter, or your daughter's daughter - granddaughter. 

Verse 11, no sex with your father's wife's daughter - half-sister on father's side.  

Verse 12, no sex with paternal aunt (fathers sister). 

Verse 13, no sex with maternal aunt (mothers sister). 

Verse 14, no sex with paternal uncle's wife (fathers brother’s wife). 

Verse 15, no sex with your daughter-in-law ( or son-in-law). 

Verse 16, no sex with your brother's wife (or sister’s husband). 

Verse 17, no sex with step-daughter or step-granddaughter (or step-son or step-grandson). 

Verse 18, no sex with a wife's sister (or husband’s brother). 

Verse 20, no sex with your neighbour's wife (or neighbour’s husband). 

Verse 22, do not lie (sodomy) with a male as with a woman (male with male / female with female), it is an abomination (worst of sins). 

Verse 23, do not have sex with any animals (man or woman). 

Verse 24, Father says we should not defile ourselves with all these above, because all other nations do this but we are separate from them. 

Verse 25, Father punished these nations and vomited them out. 

In verse 29, Father says, whoever does any of these abominations, those beings shall be cut off. 

Verse 30, He says, I am Yahuah your Elohim (Almighty God). Meaning: Listen to Me!

Heavenly Father does not change, He is still the same yesterday today and tomorrow, and you still cannot have an affair with someone else's wife or husband!

 Thank you Yah!

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