Thursday 9 February 2017

Darkness and Light

True believers must be Set Apart people and not partake in any sin. 

Many people in scripture example Shaul (Paul) mentions over and over again that we as believers in Messiah should be separate from the worldly things.

Ephesians 5 is another chapter that warns us of not to partake in sin.

Verse 3-5, says we shall not whore, have uncleanness, greed, filthiness, foolish talking (talk rubbish), making crude jokes (dirty) or be a idolater as people that partake in these things will not inherit the Kingdom of Yahuah.

Verse 6, states that we must not be deceived by false things because Heavenly Father's wrath will come on those who are disobedience.

Verse 7, do not partake with people that are disobedience to Father's word.

Verse 11, do not have fellowship with fruitless people that walk in darkness.

Verse 12, we should not even speak of these people that walk in darkness and live in secret.  

True believers should speak out against sin, secrets must be revealed no matter who or how hurtful it may be.

Heavenly Father is Set Apart, there is no darkness or uncleanness in His presence, therefore we also have to be in light and be clean.

We cannot have darkness in our life; Father will not accept a little leaven.

Verse 9, the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness, righteousness and truth, which is pleasing to our Messiah.

Verse 14, Messiah says “Wake up, you who sleep and arise from the dead" in other words open up your eyes and your ears and do not be deceived.  

It is light or it is darkness, nothing in between, it is your choice. 

Yah is light

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