Thursday 2 February 2017

Serve Yahuah (Heavenly Father)

Joshua said to the people that they cannot serve Yahuah (Heavenly Father), for He is set-apart, a jealous Elohim (Almighty) - Joshua 24:19 

Why would Father not want the people to serve Him? The answer is in verse 19 & 20, He (Father) does not accept people that partake in sin, people that say they follow Him but partake in sin, in secret or in the open. 

If the people decide to turn their back on Yahuah and do sin then Father will reject them and consume them. In Heavenly Father's reign there is no darkness, no uncleanness, no lawlessness and no falseness.

Sin is darkness, sin is lawlessness.

 His Son Yahusha (Jesus) Messiah said in John 5:19, He cannot do anything by Himself, but only do what His Father does, because what the Father does, the Son also likewise does.

Messiah said also that He came in His Father's Name, even said in verse 46, that Moses wrote about Him, and if we believed the writings of Moses then we would believe Him.  

So Messiah did not come to die for ours sins so that we may carry on living in sin. Father Yahuah does not accept darkness (sin), likewise, His Son the Messiah does not accept sin.

He does not change; He is the same yesterday, today and will be the same tomorrow. 

Messiah did not come to do His own desire, but He came to do His Father's desire - John 6:38.

In John 6:45, Messiah said that all shall be taught by His Father Yahuah and everyone who has heard from the Father, and learned, comes to Messiah. 

You learn Father's desire in His Torah (His instructions). 

John 6:65, Messiah says that nobody can come to Him (Messiah) unless it has been given to him by His Father Yahuah.

Do you understand now what Joshua meant in Joshua 24:19-20 of Father not accepting their sin? 

If you want to follow Messiah truly then you will have to do Father's desire first.  

Father and Son do not have two different desires (rules).

 Praise Yah for always being the same.

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