Thursday 23 February 2017

Father's Kingdom

Who will not inherit the kingdom of Elohim (Almighty)?
In 1 Corinthians 6:9; Paul says that the unrighteous shall not inherit the reign (kingdom) of Father Yahuah.
He says further that we must not be deceived, because neither those who whore (prostitution - male or female, whoring with animals or children, or pagan gods) nor idolaters (worship of pagan gods, of your car, your work, worship of symbols-example fish, the sun, the moon),  nor adulterers (married person cheating on his wife or on her husband, a unmarried person having affair with an married person, also committing adultery with other false gods),  nor effeminate (girl-like or dressing like a girl, womanish, sissy) nor homosexuals (gay man or lesbian woman, man with man or woman with woman), nor thieves (stealing), nor greedy of gain (to become rich and more rich), nor drunkards (drunk by alcohol or by drugs), nor revilers (abusers, mockers, scoffers, call names, swear at), nor swindlers (fraud, bribery, deception, trickery, dishonest) shall inherit the reign (kingdom) of Elohim.
Who are the ones that are deceived; the lesbian that believes grace will save her, the greedy rich that believes if he/she gives to the poor, the drunk because he/she believes he/she has an excuse due to their abuse as a child. These examples are people that know the word of Yahuah but still prefer to ignore. Their eyes and ears are closed to the truth.
Do not listen to man and be deceived, the scripture is very clear as to who will not see the kingdom of Elohim.

Paul says in Galatians 5:19-21; our works of the flesh (being in the world - not having the Spirit of Messiah) are these following things: adultery, whoring, uncleanness, indecency, idolatry, drugs, sorcery(witch craft), hatred, quarrels(arguing), jealousies, fits of rage(fighting), selfish ambitions, dissensions(divided), factions, envy, murders, drunkenness, wild parties, and the like - I warn you, that those who practice such as these shall NOT inherit the kingdom of Elohim.

1 Corinthians 6:11; Paul says that we all did these bad sin at same time in our life, but when we are washed by Messiah's blood, we are cleaned from these sins, we became clean and are called Set-Apart people and we are declared right in the Name of the Messiah and by the Spirit of our Elohim.
Then Paul gives us a very important message as Set-Apart people in 1 Corinthians 5:9-11; Do not keep company with those who whore, also with those that are greedy, or swindlers, or idolaters.
Not to keep company with anyone called your brother, if he is one who whores, or greedy, or an idolaters, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler - not even to eat with them.

Do you get the picture: Father wants us to be an example to the rest of the people and be Set-Apart?

All the sins that Paul is mentioning are some way connected to the 10 Commandments of Heavenly Father.
And in Revelation 22:14-15; Those that are keeping His commands will enter through the gates of the everlasting kingdom of Elohim, but those outside the gates of the kingdom will not see this kingdom.

Let Yah’s Kingdom come!

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