Thursday 21 December 2017

Israel's Messiah

Let’s read scripture word for word and see if Yahusha Messiah (Jesus) could have been born on the 25th December!

Before I carry on, I would like the reader to do their own study on this sensitive topic as many of us grew up celebrating the birth of Messiah on the 25th December.

Luke 1:26, and in the 6th month the messenger (Angel) Gabriel was sent by Elohim to a city of Galil (Galilee) named Natsareth (Nazareth). The 6th month according to the Roman calendar would be June which we follow presently.

Luke 1:27-30, Gabriel the Angel came to Yoseph & Miryam (Joseph & Mary) greeted Mary and told her that Father blesses her.

Luke 1:31-34, and see, you shall conceive in your womb, and shall give birth to a Son, and call His Name Yahusha (Jesus). He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High...... And He shall reign over the house of Jacob (Israel) forever, and there shall be no end to His reign.

Luke 1:35, The Angel Gabriel said to Mary that the Set-Apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) shall come upon her, and the power of the Most High (Heavenly Father) shall overshadow her (Mary will be conceived by the Spirit).

Reading Luke 1:36 to 57, it is noted that after a few days (verse 39) Mary went to visit Elizabeth who was 6 months pregnant with John the Baptist.

Verse 41-44, says that Elizabeth was overjoyed with Mary's pregnancy.

If Mary conceived in June or maybe July, then 9 months later the Messiah was born in March or April according to the Roman calendar time.

The scripture does not make it clear that Mary became pregnant directly at the time of the Angels visit. She could have become pregnant a month later! So if she conceived in July (one month later after the appearance of the Angel in the 6th month) then Mary would give birth in April or earlier May.

The Hebrew calendar is different to the Roman calendar as the Hebrew year starts in April/May (Based on our Roman calendar). If the Angel came to Mary in the 6th month (mid to end of month) according to Hebrew calendar which would be end October or November (Roman time), the Messiah would have been born end August, beginning September.
Based on the Roman calendar calculation the Messiah could never have been born on the 25th of December or even close to December.

Does it really matter that we need to know His birth date?
Does the Bible say anything about celebrating His birthday?
Does it make any difference if we know what the reel date of His birth is?
Does the Bible command us to celebrate His birthday?

The answer to all above is “NO!”

Is not Passover much more important?  It is biblical and it involves the Messiah which renewed the covenant by dying and rising for us all.

What then is celebrated on the 25th December??? PS, my intension is not to hurt but to show the truth and I do this with love, please do not trust my words. Test them yourself.

Messiah spoke truth and many wanted to stone Him.

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