Sunday 18 February 2018

Father' voice

"The voice of Yahuah (Heavenly Father) is over the water. The voice of Yahuah is with power, the voice of Yahuah is with greatness. The voice of Yahuah is breaking the ceders. The voice of Yahuah cuts through the flame of fire. The voice of Yahuah shakes the wilderness. The voice of Yahuah makes the deer give birth, and strips the forest bare "- Psalms 29:3-9.

His voice creates; His voice gives life and takes life.

Elohim (Almighty) said, "Let light come to be" and light came to be. Father made the heavens and the earth by just speaking (His voice) and He made man in His own image by just speaking it in to being- Genesis 1:3 & 26-27.

By the Word of Yahuah the heavens were made, and all their host by the Spirit of His mouth - Psalms 33:6.

By His voice He flooded the earth with water because of its sin - Genesis 6:17.

Yahuah's voice was like a shophar (trumpet), people trembled, there was lighting and thunder when He spoke and the mountains trembled exceedingly - Exodus 19:16-18.

When Father spoke the commands to the people in Exodus 20, the people heard the thunders, saw the lighting flashes, His voice was like a trumpet and everything and everyone trembled.

How amazing is our Creators voice, no words can describe His voice as our mind is too small to express the power and wonder of His voice.

One day soon we will hear His voice again, when He comes down to establish His Kingdom (Revelation).

How I pray for that day.

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