Thursday 15 February 2018

Hannah prayed

Hannah could not fall pregnant after trying for many years. For many years Hannah wept and was sad, also people provoked her greatly because she did not have children - 1 Samuel 1:6-8.

Hannah prayed to Yahuah (Heavenly Father) and wept greatly while she was praying - 1 Samuel 1:10.

Hannah wanted a child so much that she made a vow to Heavenly Father to bring up the child in His presence and teach the child all about Him - 1 Samuel 1:11.

She did not only pray one day but verse 12 says that she kept on praying before Yahuah for a very long time that the High Priest of the temple thought she was drunk from drinking wine.

She trusted and believed in Heavenly Father so much that she only prayed from her heart, scripture says that no words came out of her mouth although her lips were moving - 1 Samuel 1:13-15.

She believed and trusted Father, but she did not sit back and just hoped something would happen, she prayed all the time until Heavenly Father Yahuah heard her prayers. Think about this carefully: Hannah knew her prayers would be answered if she believed and trusted! She did not doubt!

Many days later Hannah fell pregnant and conceived a boy and named him Samuel - 1 Samuel 1:19-20
Not only did Father bless Hannah with a son, He blessed her with a son that became a great prophet.

1 Samuel 1:27, Hannah says; "I prayed for this youth (boy), and Yahuah has granted me what I asked of Him......."

1 Samuel 2:1-2, tells us how Hannah was singing and rejoicing for the son that Yahuah gave to her.

Hannah knew where to go for help; she did not rely on the priest but asked Father directly.
Who do we go to when we are in need, a doctor, a lawyer, pastor or a priest?

Messiah repaired that broken link to Heavenly Father, so we can speak to Abba Father directly. This is what Father longs for, for us to speak to Him.

Do you have the belief as Hannah had! Do you speak to Him like Hannah does! Are you singing and rejoicing like Hannah did!

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