Thursday 22 February 2018

Teach me Your ways.

Show me Your ways, O Yahuah (Heavenly Father); Teach me Your paths, lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the Elohim (Almighty) of my deliverance; On You I wait all the day - Psalms 25:4-5.

Who is the one that teaches you? Whose path do you follow?

Do you know what truth is?

Messiah says many are called but only few answers.

Learning Father's way will give you truth and give you knowledge to set you free of the world. The knowledge is not what you learn at a college or university which man has created, but from the Word of Elohim.

Teach me Your way, O Yahuah, and lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies - Psalms 27:11.

Let the Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) teach and guide you into truth because it is impossible to do this by yourself no matter how hard you try.

Psalms 26:3-5, And I have walked in Your truth. I have not sat with men of falsehood, nor do I enter with pretenders. I have hated the assembly of evil doers, and do not sit with the wrong.
Believers that know the truth and follow His covenant rules do not partake with sinners but witness His Name. Your past (without the truth and without Messiah) is just that, the past, going forward must be in His presence, with His guidance, doing His commands and loving Him with your whole mind, soul and heart.

David asked Yahuah to teach him His ways, you too should follow David's example! If you do His will, if you let Him lead you then you are assured of His salvation.

Father Yahuah, teach me Your ways!

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