Thursday 8 March 2018

In Vain

Exodus 20:7, the 3rd Commandment, specifically instructs us not to take the Name of the Creator "in vain" and "He will not hold him guiltless who takes His Name in vain."

Most people have been taught that this simply warns of using the Name lightly or in the context of swearing. This certainly is one aspect of the command, but if we look further into the Hebrew word for vain - we find that it has a deeper meaning: "desolating, uselessness, emptiness, nothingness or naught."

We have been warned not only to avoid using the Name lightly, but also not to bring it to naught, which is exactly what has been done.

The Name of the Creator which we have a privilege of calling on and praising has been suppressed to the point where most believers do not even know the Name, let alone use it.

This sounds like a conspiracy and it is.

Anyone who believes in the Scriptures must understand that there is a battle between good and evil. There is a prince of darkness, satan, who understands very well the battle which has been raging since creation of time. He will do anything to distract or destroy those searching for the truth, and he is very good at what he does. He is the master of deception and father of lies, and he does not want the truth to be revealed.

His goal is to steal, kill and destroy - John 10:10.

The enemy has operated both openly and behind the scenes over centuries to infect, deceive, distract and destroy Believers with false doctrine. He truly is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and his desire is to rob the Believer of blessings and life.

We are given wonderful promises in the Scriptures (Bible) concerning blessings for those who obey the commandments.

If you truly love Him, then you would keep the commands which also include finding out what His Name is and then not to us His Name in vain!

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