Thursday 15 March 2018

Promised Prophesy

Read this beautiful promised prophesy given by the prophet Zekaryah (Zechariah) "Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the head of the high priest, Yehoshua the son of Yehotsadag or Yahuzadak (Joshua son of Jehozadak). Tell him this is what Yahuah of Hosts says: Here is the man whose name is the Branch, and He will branch out from his place and build the temple of Yahuah. It is He who will build the temple of Yahuah, and He will be clothed with majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. And He will be a priest on his throne. And there will be harmony between the two." - Zekaryah 6:11-13.

This prophesies is profound because it not only provides a key to the Name of the Messiah, but it also describes what the Messiah will do: He will build the Temple (Body of Believers) and sit as King and High Priest. There are numerous prophecies that refer to the Messiah as "The Branch." Messiah Yahusha will be both king and priest from the Melchizedek who was a king and priest.

Zechariah 3:8 ‘Now listen, Yehoshua (Joshua) the high priest, you and your companions who sit before you, for they are men of symbol. For look, I am bringing forth My Servant – the Branch.

Isaiah 4:2 in that day the Branch of Yahuah shall be splendid and esteemed. And the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for the escaped ones of Israel.

In Psalms the word branch and son are even mixed in certain translations because the meaning is so clear.

Another clue of Messiah's Name is found in the prophesy of Jeremiah 23:5-6 & 33:16, "Behold, the days are coming, says Yahuah, that I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; a King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. In His days Judah (Yahudah) will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely; now this is His Name by which He will be called: Yahuah Our Righteousness."

We know by this verse that the Messiah has part of His Father's Name.

The scriptures have so much information, and it is available for all to read.

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