Thursday 22 March 2018


King Saul (Sha'ul) was chosen by Heavenly Father Yahuah to be the first King of Israel. He gave him gifts of prophesy, a new (clean) heart and Yahuah gave all the enemies of Israel over to be defeated in battle.  All went well with Israel and King Saul until Saul became self-centered and started to go his own way and not follow Heavenly Father's way.

Yahuah instructed Saul to attack one of Israel's enemies and destroy this nation completely including all the cattle and animals so as to ensure this nation does not contaminate the people into false idol worship and miss-lead them into all sorts of abomination in the near future.  Saul won the battle but he decided to capture the king alive and keep the best lambs and cattle...opposite to what Father said he must do - 1 Samuel 15:1-9.

Not only did Saul disobey what Yahuah told him to do, he also made a monument of himself - verse 12. Saul did not find anything wrong with what he did as he said he did it for Heavenly Father - verse 13. Samuel asks him in verse 14 if you did this all for Yahuah, why are the sheep and cattle still alive. Opposite to what Heavenly Father instructed him to do.

Yahuah and Samuel were not happy with Saul. Saul then blamed the people for his actions and said they told him to do this - verse 21.

Saul was rebellious and stubborn and because of this sin, Yahuah rejected him and he was no longer seen as the king of Israel. Reading 1 Samuel it any different to what we do today?

We are also self-centered, rebellious and show stubbornness towards Heavenly Father and Messiah. Father has given us His instructions but we twist and bend them to suit us. For example; Father tells us to keep the Sabbath on the 7th day, we say "no we will keep the Sabbath on the first or second day instead". Or we decide to keep the Sabbath whenever we feel it is right for us. It is all about us! We think Father will not mind if we change His instructions a little bit. Saul also thought Father would not mind...but he was wrong!

Nowadays it is no different, it still would be wrong. Heavenly Father does not change; He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Let’s not be like Saul, if you read further in 1 Samuel, Saul rebelled even more and more, until he was completely lost, so far that he took his own life by killing himself.

Let’s not be proud, stubborn, self-centered, rebellious and wicked as this can only lead to self-destruction.

Messiah said, if we really love Him, we would give up everything and obey Him, not because we are forced too but because we love Him!

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