Thursday 14 March 2019

Confess the Messiah

How strong is your believe in Messiah. What would you give up for the Messiah's will.

Hear the following words from Messiah Yahusha (Jesus)! His words should be taken seriously.

In Matthew 10:32-39 and Luke 12:53; He said that everyone that confesses Him before other people, He the Messiah will confess before His Father. But whoever denies Him before other people, He shall deny them before His Father in the Heavens.

In verse 34; the Messiah said that He did not come to bring peace on earth but only division. Division between son and his father, a daughter against her mother and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. Messiah said that a man's enemies are those of his own family.

Verse 37-39; Messiah says that whoever loves his father, mother, son, daughter, his own life and does not take his own stake (cross) is not worthy to follow Him.

These are very hard words coming from the Messiah. What division is Yahusha speaking about?

It is the believing family member against the unbelieving family member. It is the family member that knows the truth against the family member that knows only half truth. The family member that worships the true living Creator Father Yahuah against the family member that worships the devil. The family member that lives separate from the world pleasures against the family member that lives in the worldly pleasures. He has come to divide the righteous family member from the unrighteous family member.

Mark 3:32-35; People told Yahusha (Jesus) that His mother and His brothers are looking for Him. Messiah answered "Who is my mother and my brothers?" He looked around over the crowed people and said the following "For whoever does the desire (will) of Elohim (Almighty) is My mother and My brother."

Heavenly Father is more important than your mother, your father, your wife, your husband, your son or daughter.

Would you give up one of your family member to follow the truth, the desire of Messiah Yahusha.
The answer should be "Yes" if you truly love Elohim.

Matthew 19:29; says that whoever left houses, or work, or families, or lands for His Name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold and inherit everlasting life.

Luke 6:22; anybody that is hated, or is injured, or cast out for the sake of Messiah's Name, will be blessed.

Luke 14:26; Yahusha said that He must be loved more than any family. If the family member is more important than Him, then he is unable to be His disciple.

Luke 21:16-17; Says families will betray the believing family member. All those who are believers in Messiah will be hated by unbelievers even by their own family who are not true believers.

Father Yahuah says the believer in Yahusha Messiah must show love to even his enemies, which includes the unbelieving family. But the believer must still be set apart and still do the desires of Yahusha (Jesus). 

How did Messiah react between unbelievers?

He still did the Father's will, and so to should we do the Father's will between our enemies.

Let Messiah's light shine in the dark.

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