Wednesday 10 April 2019

Set-Apart Spirit

John 16:7 Messiah saying to the apostles that He will send the Helper (Holy Spirit) to us when He goes to Heaven. Verse 8 tells us why the Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) had to be with us. Messiah says; When the Spirit comes, He (Spirit) shall convict the world concerning sin. Meaning that the Spirit will prove or show to the world that sin is wrong. Example of what the Spirit does, read in 2 Chronicles 24:19-20 in verse 19 Father's chosen prophet warning those who are sinning against Heavenly Father Yahuah, but still they did not listen. In verse 20 the Holy Spirit is sent by Father and the Spirit tells the priest, "Why are you not following the commands of Yahuah", than the Spirit warns the priest that Father will forsake him.

In Nehemiah 9:30 the prophet saying to the people that Yahuah sent the Holy Spirit to guide them but you still did not hear.

In Ezekiel 36:27 the prophet is speaking about the future (present), that the Spirit of Yahuah will be given to us to guide us to walk in His laws and to guard us to ensure we do them.

The prophet Micah said that he is filled with the Set-apart spirit (Micah 3:8).

In Acts 28:25-27, Paul says that the Set-apart (Holy) Spirit spoke through the prophet Isaiah to our forefathers warning them to hear and listen to Yahuah's commands.

John 14:16-17; Messiah said that He would ask Yahuah to send a helper in His place to be with us forever.

Unbelievers cannot receive the Spirit of truth.

In Acts 1:4; Messiah Yahusha (Jesus) told His disciples that they will receive the Promise of the Father when He leaves which is the Set-Apart Spirit (Holy Spirit).

Acts 2:2-4; describes how they all were filled with the Set-Apart Spirit at the Feast of Shabout (Pentecost).

That promise is still kept today: when we accept the Messiah in our life, repent of our sins, baptize and become a new clean person, we receive the Set-Apart Spirit. We are born again!

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:15; that our bodies is members of Messiah. Verse 17; our body that is joined to Yahusha is one spirit (just as when a man and a woman is joined in marriage). Verse 19; do you not know that your body is the Dwelling Place (Temple/church) of the Set-Apart Spirit, who is in you, which Elohim (Almighty) has given to you. Your body the Temple was bought with a price, Messiah paid for it, so became a slave of Messiah and not of men. We were not bought by money but by the precious blood of Yahusha Messiah, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless. Our body is a Temple or church where the Spirit of Messiah is and dwells.

How does Yahusha (Jesus) prepare His men/servants for ministry. Does He send them to a Bible college where they are taught ideas and doctrines delivered to them in the sterile environment of a classroom. No, Messiah demonstrated an apprenticeship model of preparing disciples when He was here on earth. Key to the success of this ministry is that the person be a godly individual who walks with Father Yahuah truly, being directed and empowered by the Spirit of Messiah.


The Set-Apart Spirit that is now in your Temple (body) teaches and guides you to became a minister of the Good News, you do not need to go to a man-made college and be taught by a man. We all have been given certain gifts: the gifts can be; teaching, healing, comforting, singing, prophesying, parenting and many others. We have the scriptures to learn Yahuah's ways, all we need to do is read and pray for guidance - simple, even I child can do it.

We as the body of Messiah get together with other bodies to worship or fellowship as a congregation. This congregation does not have doctrines but has one simple message, that is the Good News of Messiah and the Kingdom of Yahuah.

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