Thursday 4 April 2019

Belief with works

Many people are taught that we only need to belief, we do not need to do anything else but belief. Do not get me wrong, believing is essential but it is much more than just believing. Demons believe Yahusha (Jesus) Messiah exists as well but do you think they are doing (works) His will? -  James 2:19. Not at all!

Luke 6:47-49; Messiah says that everyone that hears His words and doing them is like a man building a house with deep foundations on the rock. When the flood came the storm water did not damage the house because the foundations was good. But the one hearing and not doing is like a man building on the ground with no foundation. When the flood came the storm water damaged the house because the foundations were weak and the house fell.

So this verse says that we need belief with works or to hear His word and then to do His word.

James 2:17-24; so also belief, if it does not have works, is in itself dead. Verse 20; do you wish to know , O foolish man, that belief without works is dead? Verse 21; Abraham had belief by works, when he offered Isaac his son. Verse 22; belief was working with his works, and by the works the belief was perfected? Verse 24; You see, then, that a man is declared right by works, and not by belief alone.

You cannot have belief and no works; example: be at home spending time studying the scriptures (believing) and not sharing the truth with other people (doing).

On the other hand, you cannot have works and no belief, example: being a good person, help people or giving charity and not showing who you belief in.

Noah is another example of belief with works; he believed Heavenly Father when Yahuah said He is going to bring a flood over the earth and Noah's works was building the ark so as to be saved. Noah's belief and also obedience made him build (works) the ark.

By your works people will see/witness/know who you belief in.

Let me put it another way: By the fruit you bear (works or doing His word) people will witness your belief in Yahusha (Jesus).

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