Thursday 4 July 2019

Give time to Messiah

Do we give enough time to Yahusha (Jesus) or do we always have excuses? This is something I always pondered on; do I spend enough time with my Creator.

Messiah tells us in His parable in Luke 14:16-24 that there are many that make excuses in following Him, He also says that He will go to those who are not busy with the worldly things.

These worldly issues keep us so busy that we do not give our time to Him.

The parable; "A certain man (Messiah) gave a great supper and invited many (people), and he sent his servant (true follower of Messiah) to say to those who were invited, to come, for all is ready. "But one by one they all began making excuses.

Some excuses were; he bought a farm and need to plant the fields, another said, he bought cattle and needed to plow another said, I have married and therefore cannot come.

Other excuses we have today are: work load, sport, TV, movies, entertainment, parties with friends, hobbies, and list goes on and on.

We keep ourselves so busy that we do not have enough time to be with Elohim (Almighty).

Satan makes sure he keeps us busy with worldly things.

The sad part is we do not even realize that we are drifting away from His truth. No wonder Messiah says, many are called but few accept.

Messiah says the path/road is narrow and very very few find it.

Do not let the world keep you too busy and away from His Word.

What does His parable say further on; "the certain man (Messiah) says then to his servant to go out to the poor, the crippled, lame and the blind. He must also go out to the street corners and fields to find them.

In verse 24, Messiah says the following which we must take very seriously; 'For I (Messiah) say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper.' "

Are you called (invited) and have you accepted His invitation to eat His supper (His word, good gospel, truth, commands or desire)?

We must resist satan and his world with entertainments and diversions, because just like in Noah's time before the flood, many people were doing other things like eating, drinking, partying and entertainment and they lost their lives.

We are living in Noah's time again, let’s be ready to accept the invitation.

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