Friday 30 August 2019

Abraham tested

Abraham is been said to be a very humble man, he believed and trusted Yahuah and He (Heavenly Father) reckoned it to him for righteousness (means; doing the right thing) - Genesis 15:6.

Abba Father made many promises to Abraham because he obeyed Father in every way, and therefore he was blessed in many ways.

Yahuah said He knew Abraham - see Gen 18:19.

Abraham had a personal relationship with Heavenly Father as he knew the Creator's Name and called the Creator by His Name - read Genesis 12:8, 13:4 & 21:33 as Abraham called on the Name of Yahuah.

Yahuah told Abraham to walk before Him and be perfect and Yahuah made a covenant with Abraham, which is to increase his seed (seed is with Isaac and Jacob - Gen 17:19 & 21) and he will be a father of many nations - Gen 17:1-4.

Abraham was also tested by Yahuah to see if he would obey Him - Genesis 22:1

Abba Father commanded Abraham to offer his only son Isaac as an offering - Gen 22:2.

Just imagine how Abraham must have felt when he was told to offer his son. But Abraham obeyed - read Genesis 22:3-18.

On the way to the mountain, Isaac asked his father that they had the wood and the fire but where is the offering - Gen 22:7.

Hear what Abraham answered Isaac, "My son, Elohim (Almighty) does provide for Himself the lamb for an offering - Gen 22:7.

Abraham not only trusted Yahuah with all his heart, mind and soul, this was also a future picture of the Messiah to come.

Abraham was about to take his knife and to slay his son Isaac when an Angel of Yahuah appeared and told Abraham not slay his son. The Angel told Abraham that now they knew he feared Yahuah because of what he was prepared to do to his only son - Gen 22:10-12.

Yahuah told Abraham that He shall certainly bless him and increase his seed because he has obeyed Abba Father's voice - Genesis 22:17-18.

By obedience comes blessing.
It is the same for us today, we are also tested and if we obey His commands/voice/Set-apart (Holy) Spirit then we will also receive blessings just like Abraham did.

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