Sunday 25 August 2019

Worthy Psalm 24

How do we come before Yahuah to worship Him in celebration and to welcome Him to His glorious reign (kingdom).

Who is worthy to join in such a celebration of worship?

King David knew how to and we also must be worthy before Yahuah (Heavenly Father) through Messiah Yahusha (Jesus).

The earth belongs to Yahuah, and all that fills in it - the world and those who dwell in it. For He has founded it upon the seas, and upon the waters He does establish it - verse 1-2.

All is Abba Father's. Who does go up into the mountain of Yahuah? And who does stand in His set-apart place (temple)? - verse 3.

Who are the ones of verse 3 above, verse 4 tells us?

He who has innocent hands (pure hands) and a clean heart (pure/true), who did not bring his life to naught (to an idol), and did not swear deceivingly (falsely).

If you do verse 4 then you get this in return - verse 5.

He receives a blessing from Yahuah, and righteousness (doing right) from Elohim (Almighty) of his deliverance (salvation).

This is the generation of those who seek Him; Jacob, who seek Your face. Selah - verse 6.


Here are the praises according to David (verse 7-10); Lift up your heads, O you gates (gate to your temple)! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors (door to your heart)! And let the Sovereign (King) of esteem come in. Who is this Sovereign of esteem? Yahuah strong and mighty, Yahuah mighty in battle. Lift up, you gates! Even lift up, you everlasting doors! And let the Sovereign of esteem come in. Who is the Sovereign of esteem? Yahuah of hosts, He is the Sovereign (King) of esteem! Selah.

Let’s be worthy before Him.

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