Thursday 5 December 2019

The story of Job, the true believer

Job's sufferings

What if you lost everything; your work, your home, your car, clothes, money and even your family? Would you still trust Heavenly Father Yahuah? .... Job did!

After he lost everything even his health, he still praised Yahuah. Job walked a straight path with Yahuah, he did not turn aside to evil (sin) - Job 1:1.

Because of Job's obedience and righteous living, Father Yahuah blessed him with richness and health. Job had 7 sons and 3 daughters and he had a lot of livestock, for example 7000 sheep and 3000 camels to name but a few - Job 1:2-3.

Yahuah said there was none like Job on the earth who was perfect and walked a straight path and feared Elohim - Job 1:8.

Satan said to Yahuah that he would be able to deceive Job and ensure that Job would curse Heavenly Father - Job 1:9-10. Yahuah gave satan permission to try Job - Job 1:11-12.

Father is in control of the good and He is in control of the bad. Satan cannot do anything to anyone that walks the path of Yahuah, without Father's permission.

Father allowed satan to test Job. Father knew Job's heart and knew that whatever happened to Job, he would never turn away from Yahuah and this was the reason He allowed satan to test him.

The 1st day, enemies (Sabeans) came and destroyed all cattle and many servants of Job.

The 2nd day fire broke out in the fields and burned all 7000 sheep, including servants of Job.

The 3rd day more enemies (Chaldean) came and destroyed all Jobs camels and servants.

The 4th day all Job's 10 children were killed - Job 1:13-19.

You know what Job did, he tore his clothes and shaved his head and fell to the ground and did obeisance - Job 1:20.

Still he worshiped Yahuah, Job 1:21; Job said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I return there. Yahuah has given, and Yahuah has taken away. Blessed be the Name of Yahuah."
While I was writing this down, I asked myself, how would I react if these things that happened to Job happened to me? Would my faith in Yahuah still be strong? It is a huge test.

Job's friends

Job's friends, Eliphaz, Bildad and Zophar had a lot to say during Job's sufferings. They assumed they knew why Job was punished and made many assumptions and were very judgmental...although they did support him through his ordeal.

They said Heavenly Father makes good and bad people suffer and be tested. Discipline and going through pain (trials) makes people grow stronger and closer to Elohim.

The Friends said Job must search his past for sins he did, or seek if his children sinned against Yahuah, because He (Father) does not twist what is right - Job 8:3 + 8.

Yahuah does look after the good but destroys the bad. They said, Yahuah will forgive Job for his sins, because He sees all sin. They tell Job to repent after confessing his sins and not to sin again. He should make a clean start with Yahuah. They tell Job that he is only making excuses and should rather accept his punishment. They explain to Job of the lawlessness against Yahuah - Job 15:16-25.

They assure Job that the wicked will perish someday - Job 18:5-21.

Although Job's friends are correct about Heavenly Father punishing the wicked, they judged him without knowing what sin he had committed. They took the role of a judge to show Job out his wrong and that he must repent so he can be forgiven and carry on with his life. They even became angry with Job because he spoke out against Yahuah.

They told him to listen to Yahuah, because He repays the wicked and He tests people. There is nothing wrong with correcting someone if you see that he is not walking the right path according to Father's word but you need to know what that person is doing wrong. You cannot go blindly and accuse someone of doing wrong when you think you know why he/she is being punished or going through a trial.

Be patient and do it in love. Remember, in many cases the wicked do prosper for a season!

Believers should only be concerned with their path and leave judgement to Yahuah. 

Yahuah was upset with Job's friends because they did not speak the right words to Job.

Yahuah told them to go to Job and ask forgiveness and also ask Job to pray for them - Job 42:7-9.

Job asks Almighty

When something bad happens to us, especially as believers, we ask Heavenly Father why these things happen to us. Job did the same; he had many questions to ask Yahuah regarding his struggles! In Job chapter 6, Job asks of Yahuah that he would live through his pain as long as Yahuah's word is not hidden from him.

In verse 22-30, Job says to Yahuah he did not ask for favors or bribes when he sinned. Or to be rescued from his enemies or from those who oppressed him. He says "Teach me, and I shall be silent. He wants to be righteous. He asks if his tongue talks unrighteousness. He asks why his sins will not be forgiven - Job 7:21.

In chapter 10, Job asks Yahuah again to show out his sins, if I sin, then watch out for me, Job says to Yahuah.

In chapter 14, he asks Yahuah about death. Job thinks Yahuah hates him and forgotten him, he even cries - Job 16:8-9, 11-13 & 16.

Job asks if Yahuah is hearing him in Job 27:9.

Job said he did not want worldly material or to gain in wealth - Job 31:24-25.

In verse 39-40 he says that he must be punished if he had sin.

In all the time that Job asks Yahuah to reply, Father stays silent. Then after a long period of time... 

Yahuah speaks to Job, but instead of answering Jobs questions, Yahuah asks Job in return over 50-60 questions - Job chapter 38 to 40.

Father challenges Job by asking if he controls the pattern of the heavens as the moving of the constellations, or the procession of the months or years. 

Job could not answer one question Yahuah asked. Jobs responds to Yahuah in Job 42:2-3, "You know and are able to do all, and nothing is withheld from You.

He said he spoke without knowledge and thought he understood all matters but clearly, he was wrong.

Don't we all do this; think we know better than Father? Sometimes we actually want to tell Father what He must do and how He must do it!

We do not realize that Yahuah knows all and we have no right to question His ways.
He is Almighty and we are not!

We must accept His ways. He knows what is good for us, as He knows all. We need to trust and obey Him.

What Job did was to declare himself right rather than Elohim.

Job repents and receives Blessings

Job realizes he "expected" Yahauh to answer him ...because of his suffering, but Father does not answer to man!

Job gets that all men are vile and evil compared to the great eternal, perfect, loving Creator.
Job answered Yahuah "See, I am insignificant, what would I answer You? I lay my hand over my mouth (he shuts his mouth in shame) - Job 40:3-4.

Job humbled himself towards Father and asks Yahuah for guidance - Job 42:3-4.

Job's eyes are opened to Father's desire and he repents in dust and ashes" - Job 42:5-6.

Job submits to Yahuah completely.

Job finally realizes that the only humility and repentance will lead to a true relationship with Yahuah.
After this Yahuah returned everything that he had before back to Job and gave him twice as much as he had before - Job 42:10.

The Blessings Job received back where; All his family/friends returned - verse 11.

Double blessings included, sheep, camels, oxen and other livestock - verse 12. Father blessed Job with more children - verse 13. There were found no woman so beautiful as the daughters of Job and he gave them many gifts - verse 15.

Yahuah gave Job so many blessings that he lived 140 years, and saw his children and grandchildren for 4 generations - verse 16. And Job died, old and satisfied with days - Job 42:17.

There is so much we can learn out of the story of Job's life!

I have learnt that Father sends us trials. We should not complain about the trials we go through, just trust Yahuah. We must walk a straight path with Yahuah because when the trials come, we know Father is with us no matter what we go through.

I learnt that Father speaks to us in different ways for instance in dreams and visions.

Do not question Yahuah's trials or His ways, He knows better and He is Almighty, we are not!

Never stop praying, fear Yahuah, tremble at His power, obey and be blessed.

Proclaim Yahuah's greatness and power for He looks after the good.

Praise Yah, He is great!

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