Friday 7 August 2020

Born from above

A Pharisee named Nicodemus who was a ruler of the Jews came to Yahusha Messiah (Jesus) saying, he knew that Messiah was from Elohim (Almighty) -John 3:2.

Messiah answered and said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born from above, he is unable to see the kingdom of Elohim" - John 3:3.

Very strong words from Messiah! You will not see Yahuah's kingdom unless you are born from above!

Nicodemus was surprised to hear this answer and asked the Messiah how can an old person be born again! Must he re-enter his mother's womb for a second time - verse 4.

Messiah tells him further, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he is unable to enter into the kingdom of Elohim - verse 5.

"That which has been born of the flesh is flesh (worldly, material goods, items, Hollywood entertainment), and that which has been born of the Spirit is spirit (received the Holy Spirit, hear Yahuah's voice, guided by the Spirit) - verse 6.

Do you know if you have received the Spirit of Yahuah? Messiah tells us in verse 8, "The wind (Holy Spirit) blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it (Spirit), but do not know where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who has been born of the Spirit (from above)."

When you receive the Sprit from Yahuah, you do not become this super person, or fall on ground shaking, or start dancing around, or speaking/singing allowed.

Messiah tells us the Spirit is like the wind, you hear the Spirit speaking to you with that small soft voice.

You will not hear that voice if you are busy with the worldly entertainment and satan knows this! That is the reason why TV, movies, music and all other types of entertainment is around. It is so you cannot hear the Spirit speaking, or you hear that voice but ignore it because you are uncertain.

Very confused, Nicodemus asks the Messiah, "How is it possible for this to take place?"- verse 9. The answer Messiah gives is right in front of us but we do not see it!

What Messiah says, has always been from the beginning.

Unless you are born of water (baptizing) and the Spirit (Holy Spirit), you will not enter the Kingdom of Yahuah.

Nicodemus could not understand what the Messiah was saying. Now remember Nicodemus was a learnt man of the Jews, meaning he knew the word of Yahuah, and studied and taught people about Yahuah.

Messiah says to Nicodemus, "Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know this?

Do you get what Messiah is saying? Remember the New Testament did not exist at the time Messiah walked on the earth!

So, He is asking this man how came he does not understand this born from the Spirit! Was it not because this was always a requirement which never has changed! David for one knew this, but how come Nicodemus did not know this!

The Christian church believe the Spirit has only been given to them when Messiah ascended to heaven but is this true!

Messiah said He must go back to His Father before the Spirit can be given. To be part of Yahuah, you need to have His Spirit!

When David sinned, he fell on his knees and begged Yahuah not to take His Spirit away from him! Why, because he knew that without Yahuah's Spirit, he would be lost (Psalm 51:11).

Messiah further says to Nicodemus, "Truly, truly, I say to you, We speak what We know and witness what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness - John 3:11.

If you do not have the set-apart Spirit, you will also not see the spiritual things. Without His Spirit, you will not overcome the world (flesh) or witness to the world! Without His Spirit you will read the scriptures and not understand a thing you read.

You cannot do anything without His Spirit. You can play religion but it will not be of Yahuah.

Please study John chapter 3 to understand the seriousness of having the Spirit of Yahuah! You need to go through water and to receive the set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) to be part of the Kingdom!

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