Thursday 20 August 2020

Seek Me

Messiah feed about 5000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread - John 6:5-12. Messiah Yahusha then left that side and went across the lake to the other side by a place called Capernaum (Kephar Nahum) - John 6:16-21.

The crowed was looking for Yahusha (Jesus) on the side where He gave them the fish and bread but when they realized, He was no longer there but went across the lake to the other side they too entered boats to cross to other side looking for the Messiah - John 6:22-24.

When they found Him, they asked Him, "Rabbi, when did You come here?" - John 6:25.

John 6:26, Yahusha answered them and said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were satisfied.

The miracles which Yahusha performed were proof that he came from Yahuah.

To seek Him because they had seen the miracles, and were convinced by them that he was the Messiah, would have been proper; but to follow him simply because their wants were supplied was mere selfishness of a gross kind.

Many seek religion from no better motive than this. They suppose that it will add to their earthly happiness, or they seek only to escape from suffering or from the convictions of conscience, or they seek for heaven only as a place of enjoyment, and regard religion as valuable only for this. All this is mere selfishness.

When Yahusha fed the five thousand with five barley loaves and two small fish, the people apparently saw Him as a free lunch ticket. He could multiply the food from five loaves to feed five thousand hungry souls (Matthew 14:20) and still have twelve baskets of leftovers!

Why here was a meal ticket they could follow around every day. When Yahusha saw that the “free lunch crowd” wanted to make Him their ruler that day, He fled up a mountain.

We are aiming at the loaves and fishes, and not at the honour of Yahuah and the good of his kingdom; and if this is the only or the main motive of been part of a group (fellowship) or to appear to be believers, we cannot be called true believers.

How do we seek Him?

Messiah says further in John 6:27, “Do not labour for the food that is perishing, but for the food that is remaining to everlasting life, which the Son of Adam (Messiah) shall give you, for the Father, Elohim, has set His seal on Him.”

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