Friday 14 August 2020

To know Him

If we want to know Yahuah, we will need to have a relationship with Him.

But how do we do this?

1 John 2:3 tells us; And by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments.

We must think like Yahuah. To think like Yahuah, we must have the "mind of Yahuah." To have His mind, we must have the Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit) of Yahuah indwelling in us. The Set-apart Spirit is Yah's heart/mind and character that teaches us.

To think as one with Yahuah is to be intimate with Yahuah. Once we have attained the ability to think like “Yah,” we come to understand why we are spiritually motivated to keep Yah’s commandments (Torah).

Why? Because they can now be viewed as our Commandments also. How could we not want to keep them?  They are not heavy (1 John 5:3).

The scripture is the perfect spiritually inspired "Mind of Yahuah" and it does not change.

There is no spiritual difference between the Commandments (Torah) of Yahuah given through Moses and the prophets or the Commandments, given through Messiah Yahusha and His apostles.

The fleshly (worldly-minded) man/woman misunderstands Yah's Commandments because they are under the spirit of error. The fleshly man/woman cannot understand the Spirit of Yah or those with the belief of Yahusha (Jesus).

They see everything from a physical perspective. Worldly minded men will seek either “free salvation,” a get-out-of-jail-free card, the lie of once saved always saved, or “earned salvation,” by works of the letter of the Commands and not out of love, which is the Spirit of the Word.

It was and will always be a heart thing!

Yahusha is the Living/Breathing Torah/Word.

The Belief of Yahusha is to walk as Yahusha walked. To know or be known by Yahuah means that you have an intimate relationship with the Creator in truth.

Then you become an extension of Yahuah. Being of Yahuah and walking in the Belief/Faith of Yahusha is how you have intimacy with Yahuah.

You will think and have the logic of Yahuah. You will have Yahuah's heart, which is pure love. You will behave, act and carry yourself by the standards of Yahuah's Word.

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