Thursday 28 January 2021

Paul in our time


We are in the same situation as Paul was in his time. He started following Yahusha’s (Jesus) way after He ascended to heaven. Just as we come to know Messiah for the first time, we later repent of our wrongs, then go through baptizing and then follow/worship Him so too did Paul go through these steps.

In Acts chapter 13 Paul judges.


Many people today say we are not allowed to judge or we will be judged! Is this true?

In Acts 13:6-11 Paul met some men who were believers and one of these men was a false prophet. In verse 10 Paul says to this person “O son of the devil, filled with all deceit and all recklessness, you enemy of all righteousness, shall you not cease perverting the straight ways of Yahuah?

If I had to say the following to a person who is perverting from scripture, “you are not talking the truth and you may end up in hell for being false if you keep on spreading falsehood!” I’m judging but is it wrong?

Think about this for a moment! Would Father rather want me to be quiet and not say something, or would He rather want me to tell the person the truth and hopefully realize he/she is doing wrong and repent.

Maybe he/she was saying this unintentionally and through me saying something, he/she finds the truth. If he/she was doing this purposely then they would know they may end up in hell. Paul was judging this man but he was judging him based on clear evidence that he was intentionally been false. 

Agree you cannot judge someone for any reason! Importantly: before you judge make sure your side is clean and you are not being a hypocrite.

What does Matthew 7:3-5 say; “And why do you look at the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the plank in your own eye? “Or how is it that you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the splinter out of your eye,’ and see, a plank is in your own eye? “Hypocrite!



In Acts Chapter 13 Paul also mentions the Sabbath! Many people say the Sabbath is nailed to the cross and therefore this command is not applicable for us today.

Keep in mind Paul was preaching after the Messiah was crucified meaning he was in the same situation as we are today.

So why did Paul not say anything about the Sabbath been nailed to the cross!

In Acts 13:14 Paul goes into the congregation (church) on the Sabbath day and sat down. In verse 15 the leaders ask Paul if he will preach the word, which he does (verse 16-41).

Paul did not say anything about the Sabbath no longer to be kept! Okay, so people will tell me Paul was with the Jews and only the Jews keep the Sabbath.

Let me show you that Paul was not only talking to Jews but to other nations as well. Acts 13:26 Paul says this, “Men, brothers, sons of the race of Abraham, and those among you fearing Elohim, to you the word of this deliverance has been sent, ….. Paul is speaking to two groups of people in this verse, namely the Jews and people from other nations.

Let me show you! In the first part he is saying “the seed of Abraham” and in the second part of the verse he is talking to those of the other nations that fear/follow the Almighty.

Read verse 26 for yourself. In verse 42, when Paul finished speaking to the other nations, they asked him to come and speak again at the next Sabbath.

Paul went to speak to the Jews and other nations on the next Sabbath – verse 44.

In Acts 14:1, Paul again went to preach the Good News gospel on the Sabbath to both the Jews and the Greeks who were together in one place on the Sabbath.


If the Sabbath was no longer to be kept, would Paul not have mentioned it!

Thursday 21 January 2021

The power of Pray

Peter the apostle was arrested and put in prison with chains placed on his hands and feet. Many prison guards were there to guard Peter – Acts 12:3-6.

When the assembly of believers heard that Peter was imprisoned, they came together to earnestly pray to the Almighty – Acts 12:5.


An Angel of Yahuah came that night to free Peter from prison verse 7-8. Peter at first thought he was seeing a vision (or dreaming) but then realized all was true and he was lead free from prison – verse 9.

Peter was overjoyed and knew Yahuah was with him – verse 11. When Peter came to the place where all the people including Mark were praying for him, they were overjoyed when they saw him – verse 16.

The girl that heard Peter speaking at the door to let him in could not open the door due to the surprise of hearing Peter’s voice. Many said she was mad when she told them Peter is at the door – Acts 12:13-16.


Can we see what pray can achieve if we really believe in Yahauh!

All of them stood together and prayed for Peter to be set free and Yahuah heard their pray.

We must not take pray lightly and say it like a poem.

Pray to Him as you speak to your parents, or to a teacher or to your boss at work.

Heavenly Father searches and looks into everyone’s heart and whatever you pray, let it came from your heart.

Do not stop praying! 

Thursday 14 January 2021

Buying the Word

Do you know that in the Apostles time there were doctrines been preached that had a mixture of the Word of Yahuah (Heavenly Father) and pagan teachings (false worship)?

Do you know that today there are also church doctrines that teach a mixture of the Word (truth) and pagan (false)?

Many today are deceived in thinking they are hearing the truth.

There was a man in the Apostles time that had people following him thinking he was preaching the word of Yahuah.

His name was Simon Magus – Acts 8:9-11. Magus means a magician. He was doing tricks of magic and people believed he was a follower of Yahusha (Jesus). He even confessed he believed in the Messiah and even was baptized by one of the Apostles – Acts 8:13.


Simon Magus was amazed on the miracles the Apostles were doing in the Name of Messiah. When he saw the Apostles praying for the people after they were baptized and receiving the Set-apart (Holy) Spirit, he wanted the authority to do this as well.

He offered the Apostles money to receive the authority to pray for the Set-apart (Holy) Spirit to be given to new believers – Acts 8:18-19.

Can you believe this: he wanted to pay money to be a follower of Messiah! Can you see the difference between a true believer and a lukewarm believer! A true believer, believes from the heart (soul) and a lukewarm believer, believes from the flesh.


Peter says to him in Acts 8:20-21 you cannot buy the truth with money and also says that his heart is not in the right place.

Peter tells him this is evil!

Can we understand that today there are still people that think like Simon Magus and believe that money can buy your way to the Kingdom of Yahuah.

Just like Peter told Simon Magus to repent of this evil and to ask the Almighty forgiveness of the intension of his heart, so too is Peter telling those who doing the same thing as Simon Magus! 

Thursday 7 January 2021

Why was Stephen killed?

In Acts 6:8 it says that Stephen (Stephanos) was filled with belief in Messiah Yahusha (Jesus), and went around preaching to all people. But just like today there were certain so-called believers who stood up and disputed with Stephen – verse 9.

Stephen had wisdom of the scriptures and the Set-apart (Holy) Spirit was with him to answer them but they were not able to “answer” his arguments – they could not resist the truth - verse 10. 

Acts 6:11-12 then they instigated men to say, “We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and Elohim (Almighty).” And they stirred up the people, and the elders, and the scribes, so they came upon him, seized him, and brought him to the council.

Think about this for a moment: these were people who said they believed in the One true Elohim. They set up false witnesses against him! They must have paid people to testify falsely against him! Nothing has changed, it still happens today!

Stephen was taken to the high court and the high priest asked Stephen if everything these people are accusing him of, was it true – Acts 7:1.

In Acts 7:2 to 36 Stephen then had to explain the whole history of Abraham and the promise covenant Yahuah made with him. From Joseph being in Egypt to how the Israelites were enslaved to how Moses came and lead them out of Egypt. How Yahuah spoke to Moses at the burning bush to how Israel was led by Yahuah for 40 years in the desert. Stephen told the court of the golden calf the people made when Moses was on Mount Sinai – verse 39-41.


In Acts 7:42, Stephen says that Elohim gave the people over to worship the host of the heavens and idols like Molek and Kiyyun images. Host of the heavens means the worship of the moon, the sun and the stars. Why did Almighty give them over to worship these images? Because they would not obey Moses who had received the living Words (the 10 commandments). Just pause here for a moment and read verse 42 again! Stephen says something very important in verse 39.

Stephen says the following: our fathers would not become obedient, but thrust away, and in their hearts, they turned back to Egypt. They wished to return to Egypt. They regretted that they had come out of Egypt, and desired again the things which they had there in Egypt.

Who would they not obey????? It was Yahusha! Yahusha was at Mount Sinai as mentioned by Stephen in Acts 7:37-38.


Stephen reminded them about their forefathers who resisted the Set Apart (Holy) Spirit in verse 51. He also reminded them of their forefathers that persecute and killed the prophets of Yahuah who told them of the coming of the Messiah – verse 52. Stephen told them in the same verse that they now became the betrayers and murderers. They could also not keep the commandments which they received – verse 53.

At this moment those in the court were so angry at Stephen and were gnashing their teeth against him – verse 54.

Then Stephen saw a vision of heaven opening and saw the glory of Elohim, and saw Yahusha standing at the right of Father – verse 55-56.

At this moment all of them in the court cried out in a loud voice, grabbed Stephen and took him outside of the court and stoned him – verse 57-60.


Stephen told them the truth about them rejecting the Messiah at Mount Sinai, rejecting Him in the wilderness, rejected the prophets who spoke about the Messiah and also rejecting the Set apart (Holy) Spirit, just like their fathers did!

The truth hurt them and the only way to make Stephen quiet was to kill him.

Today they still reject the truth! But that is not all; even so-called Christians reject Him by not obeying Him! We are been taught that all we need to do is say a little pray and ask Jesus into our life and all is good. We can carry on with our old way of sinning and living in the world and its entertainment, that is still acceptable.

No, my friend that is not true.

That is what man says but the Bible says something different! It says, repent of your sins, baptize in water and belief.

Repent means turn away from sin, not to continue in it and follow Messiah (believe).


If you believe Him, other words love Him, you will obey Him.

That is what caused Stephen’s death as he told them they knew the Messiah and the Set apart (Holy) Spirit but they did not obey Him.

Today many still do not obey Him although they say they know Him.