Thursday 21 January 2021

The power of Pray

Peter the apostle was arrested and put in prison with chains placed on his hands and feet. Many prison guards were there to guard Peter – Acts 12:3-6.

When the assembly of believers heard that Peter was imprisoned, they came together to earnestly pray to the Almighty – Acts 12:5.


An Angel of Yahuah came that night to free Peter from prison verse 7-8. Peter at first thought he was seeing a vision (or dreaming) but then realized all was true and he was lead free from prison – verse 9.

Peter was overjoyed and knew Yahuah was with him – verse 11. When Peter came to the place where all the people including Mark were praying for him, they were overjoyed when they saw him – verse 16.

The girl that heard Peter speaking at the door to let him in could not open the door due to the surprise of hearing Peter’s voice. Many said she was mad when she told them Peter is at the door – Acts 12:13-16.


Can we see what pray can achieve if we really believe in Yahauh!

All of them stood together and prayed for Peter to be set free and Yahuah heard their pray.

We must not take pray lightly and say it like a poem.

Pray to Him as you speak to your parents, or to a teacher or to your boss at work.

Heavenly Father searches and looks into everyone’s heart and whatever you pray, let it came from your heart.

Do not stop praying! 

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