Thursday 28 January 2021

Paul in our time


We are in the same situation as Paul was in his time. He started following Yahusha’s (Jesus) way after He ascended to heaven. Just as we come to know Messiah for the first time, we later repent of our wrongs, then go through baptizing and then follow/worship Him so too did Paul go through these steps.

In Acts chapter 13 Paul judges.


Many people today say we are not allowed to judge or we will be judged! Is this true?

In Acts 13:6-11 Paul met some men who were believers and one of these men was a false prophet. In verse 10 Paul says to this person “O son of the devil, filled with all deceit and all recklessness, you enemy of all righteousness, shall you not cease perverting the straight ways of Yahuah?

If I had to say the following to a person who is perverting from scripture, “you are not talking the truth and you may end up in hell for being false if you keep on spreading falsehood!” I’m judging but is it wrong?

Think about this for a moment! Would Father rather want me to be quiet and not say something, or would He rather want me to tell the person the truth and hopefully realize he/she is doing wrong and repent.

Maybe he/she was saying this unintentionally and through me saying something, he/she finds the truth. If he/she was doing this purposely then they would know they may end up in hell. Paul was judging this man but he was judging him based on clear evidence that he was intentionally been false. 

Agree you cannot judge someone for any reason! Importantly: before you judge make sure your side is clean and you are not being a hypocrite.

What does Matthew 7:3-5 say; “And why do you look at the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the plank in your own eye? “Or how is it that you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the splinter out of your eye,’ and see, a plank is in your own eye? “Hypocrite!



In Acts Chapter 13 Paul also mentions the Sabbath! Many people say the Sabbath is nailed to the cross and therefore this command is not applicable for us today.

Keep in mind Paul was preaching after the Messiah was crucified meaning he was in the same situation as we are today.

So why did Paul not say anything about the Sabbath been nailed to the cross!

In Acts 13:14 Paul goes into the congregation (church) on the Sabbath day and sat down. In verse 15 the leaders ask Paul if he will preach the word, which he does (verse 16-41).

Paul did not say anything about the Sabbath no longer to be kept! Okay, so people will tell me Paul was with the Jews and only the Jews keep the Sabbath.

Let me show you that Paul was not only talking to Jews but to other nations as well. Acts 13:26 Paul says this, “Men, brothers, sons of the race of Abraham, and those among you fearing Elohim, to you the word of this deliverance has been sent, ….. Paul is speaking to two groups of people in this verse, namely the Jews and people from other nations.

Let me show you! In the first part he is saying “the seed of Abraham” and in the second part of the verse he is talking to those of the other nations that fear/follow the Almighty.

Read verse 26 for yourself. In verse 42, when Paul finished speaking to the other nations, they asked him to come and speak again at the next Sabbath.

Paul went to speak to the Jews and other nations on the next Sabbath – verse 44.

In Acts 14:1, Paul again went to preach the Good News gospel on the Sabbath to both the Jews and the Greeks who were together in one place on the Sabbath.


If the Sabbath was no longer to be kept, would Paul not have mentioned it!

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