Thursday 14 January 2021

Buying the Word

Do you know that in the Apostles time there were doctrines been preached that had a mixture of the Word of Yahuah (Heavenly Father) and pagan teachings (false worship)?

Do you know that today there are also church doctrines that teach a mixture of the Word (truth) and pagan (false)?

Many today are deceived in thinking they are hearing the truth.

There was a man in the Apostles time that had people following him thinking he was preaching the word of Yahuah.

His name was Simon Magus – Acts 8:9-11. Magus means a magician. He was doing tricks of magic and people believed he was a follower of Yahusha (Jesus). He even confessed he believed in the Messiah and even was baptized by one of the Apostles – Acts 8:13.


Simon Magus was amazed on the miracles the Apostles were doing in the Name of Messiah. When he saw the Apostles praying for the people after they were baptized and receiving the Set-apart (Holy) Spirit, he wanted the authority to do this as well.

He offered the Apostles money to receive the authority to pray for the Set-apart (Holy) Spirit to be given to new believers – Acts 8:18-19.

Can you believe this: he wanted to pay money to be a follower of Messiah! Can you see the difference between a true believer and a lukewarm believer! A true believer, believes from the heart (soul) and a lukewarm believer, believes from the flesh.


Peter says to him in Acts 8:20-21 you cannot buy the truth with money and also says that his heart is not in the right place.

Peter tells him this is evil!

Can we understand that today there are still people that think like Simon Magus and believe that money can buy your way to the Kingdom of Yahuah.

Just like Peter told Simon Magus to repent of this evil and to ask the Almighty forgiveness of the intension of his heart, so too is Peter telling those who doing the same thing as Simon Magus! 

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