Thursday 10 June 2021



Shall call His Name Immanuel - Isaiah 7:14.

Immanuel means "Elohim with us or Yah with us or as in KJV - God with us."

Who is "Immanuel?"

“See, a maiden shall conceive, and she shall give birth to a Son, and they shall call His Name Immanuel,” which translated, means, “El with us” -Matthew 1:23.




“Hear now, O house of David (Israel)!" “Therefore, Yahuah Himself gives you a sign: Look (Behold), the maiden conceives and gives birth to a Son, and shall call His Name Immanuel - Isaiah 7:13-14.

Many say this is the Messiah's Name, but is it? If so, then how come in Matthew 1:21 another Name is mentioned: “And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call His Name Yahusha for He shall save His people from their sins.”




Immanuel is not Messiah's Name but is a reference to how Yahuah will be with His people.

This is how I understand this and I pray Yahuah gives me more understanding of these verses in Isaiah and Matthew.

What made me search further into this matter is the two verses in Matthew chapter 1 (verse 21 & 23) giving Messiah two different Names.

Isaiah prophesied about two events in Isaiah 7 & 8 which was an event that would happen at the time of the invasion of Israel.

Someone named Immanuel would be born that will bear witness of Yahuah's protection and the nation will not be destroyed completely, and therefore his name will mean Elohim is with us.

The other event is a much later event which also shows that Elohim will be with us (Immanuel) by sending Messiah to save His people (Matthew chapter 1).

Why did Matthew say His Name is Immanuel in verse 23: Matthew was referring to Isaiah's prophesy that Yahuah promised to be with us (Immanuel) and he used the exact same verse from Isaiah 7:14.

I believe Matthew 1:21 is His proper Name.


  1. YAHUUSHA. The third letter is double U. This W, is a double V. But what they Named His flesh, which was temporary, is not what YAHUUAH Named His Ruah. YAHUUAH named all of us first. Our parents only named our flesh. No flesh enters the Kingdom. ELUMANIM. MattithYAHU tells us they spelled it backwards to hide the Name. EL with us. ELUMANIM. ELOHIM. ' I have come in My Fathers Name.

    1. Sorry. I mispelled. YAHUUSHAH

    2. YAHUUAH. I AM THAT,WHICH AM. YAHUUSHAH. I AM THAT,WHICH SAVES AM. ELUMANIM was the Being Name. ELUMANIM warned us. 'For My Names sake.' Because there is power in Their Names and they do not want us to know. They still see us as the gentiles. But we are the branches that can be grafted into the Olive Tree
