Thursday 3 June 2021

Woe to the oppressors

Woe to those who make unrighteous (false / vanity / wicked / unjust) decrees (command / rules / laws) and write grievous instructions - Isaiah 10:1.

The prophet is talking about leaders, judges, priests or governments who are crooked.

In Isaiah 10:2 he is saying the leaders are oppressing the citizens, the poor, the widows and the orphans.

Looking at today, what are the leaders of countries doing to their people?

No different than in Isaiah's time: the governments today have high taxes, corruption (enriching themselves), high food prices, and so on....

People all over the world are been oppressed more and more by the leaders of nations instead of them been leaders to guide and protect the people, they are looking after themselves only.

But here is the warning to the people in the leader’s role.

Enjoy while it lasts because the fall/judgment/punishment will come.

Isaiah 10:3-4 Yahuah declares the judgment, or punishment, that would follow the crimes of the leaders when He will intervene.

Destruction will come to them that oppress the people.

Then what will it help that you (leaders) have enriched yourselves.

Pray the leaders of today repent because the leaders in Isaiah's time did not and years later destruction came to them.

Are we heading the same path or will they hear!


Isaiah 10:1-4“Woe to those making unrighteous laws, and writers who have prescribed toil,to keep the needy back from right ruling,and to take what is right from the poor of My people, that widows become their prey, and orphans their plunder.“What shall you do in the day of visitation,and in the ruin which comes from afar? To whom would you run for help?And where would you leave your wealth?“Without Me they shall bow down among the prisoners, and fall among the slain.” With all this His displeasure has not turned back, and His hand is still stretched out. 

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