Thursday 24 June 2021

Messiah coming the second time – Isaiah 11

Isaiah 11:1 speaks of the coming of Messiah as well as Jeremiah 23:5 and Jeremiah 33:15 but it speaks about "in those days."

In those days means it is at the end of times.

Jeremiah 23;5 “See, the days are coming,” declares Yahuah, “when I shall raise for David a Branch of righteousness, and a Sovereign shall reign and act wisely, and shall do right-ruling and righteousness in the earth.

Jeremiah 22:15 ‘In those days and at that time I cause a Branch of righteousness to spring forth for David. And He shall do right-ruling and righteousness in the earth.


Isaiah chapter 11 is about the second coming of Messiah when He shall judge all people of the world, be it poor, rich, good or wicked - Isaiah 11:3-5.

In Isaiah 11:2-3 Yahuah gives Yahusha (Jesus) all His Spirit gifts. He shall not judge of things by their external appearance or with partiality but by truth. He shall see that impartial justice is done; He shall not take part with the rich against the poor, but shall show that He is the friend of true justice.

The next few verses talk about a period when a wolf will dwell with lamb. When a leopard lies next to young goat. When calf and a lion walk together with a young child. When a cow and a bear feed together. When lions eat grass like an ox. When a baby child plays at the cobra's hole and put his hand in the adder's den - Isaiah 11:6-10.

This has not yet been filled. It is a prophecy of the redemption of the remnant of His people in the end-time, of which every prophetic book speaks, repeatedly.


In verse 11 it says "in that day," meaning at the end of time Yahuah will set His hand a second time to recover the remnant of believers (Israel) from the enemy.

This can only mean the second coming of Messiah when He will bring the true believers back together from the four corners of the world - verse 12.

All the enemies (satan and his system) will be destroyed by His mighty hand - verse 14-15.

All obstacles shall be removed for the remnant believers to return to the promised covenant of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.


May that day come soon. 

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