Thursday 23 September 2021

A hunger for the truth


It is prophesied of days to come or the days are here, that there will be a search for His Word. Many people will go all over from one person to the other looking for His truth but will not find it. Ask yourself why will they not find it! (Amos 8:11-12).

It’s because many so-called believers will talk and say they are prophets but the truth will not be in them. (Jeremiah 5:13).

We hear of many who call themselves prophets and prophecy falsely - Do you recognize them? Then you have priests and pastors who look after themselves with money and riches – Do you recognize them? The sad part is people fall for this and love their smooth talking. Will this benefit them at the end! (Jeremiah 5:31).

Priests and pastors spoke of a God but did not know Yah and His commands. They sinned against Yah and prophesied to the wicked one. (Jeremiah 2:8).

Leaders have misled the believers.

Corrupted His Word.

His Torah has become lost and white wasted.

His word is deserted as no one takes them seriously. (Jeremiah 12:10-11).

They follow man-made teachings and have forgotten the true rest place of Yah.

The lukewarm are deceived by them.

Those that have deceived them will say it is the deceivers who have sinned. (Jeremiah 50:6-7).

The Word of Yahauh is available but many find them to be strange words.

What offerings are you slaughtering to Yahuah? Yahuah does not accept worldly flesh as an offering. (Hoshea 8:12-13).

Some receive truth and then enrich them self with the truth and keep the truth for themselves or they receive riches from His Word and use them for their own gain.

They enrich themselves with the truth and don’t feed the sheep.

They don’t share the truth with the broken or poor of truth, or pray for the sick (flesh sick or spiritual sick, those who are broken, those who strayed from the truth).

Because this truth is not shared many will be lost.

Then the lost will believe those that speak falsehood and lies – man-made words.

Reason why many are following their own man-made religion as they have not been given the truth.

Those who have received the truth do nothing with the truth.

A time will come when those that receive the truth will not receive anymore, instead truth will be taken from them.

Yah Himself has ever since feed them Himself with His Word through His Spirit that Messiah left behind when He went back to His Father.

Yah saves them, through Yahusha the Messiah.

He is now seeking the lost scattered sheep.

He will through His spirit bring them together.

He will give them the truth. (Ezekiel 34:3-13).

Messiah tells us the prophets spoke of a time that YHVH will teach us His Word. That time is when YHVH’s Spirit was sent to us to receive and learn His Word and once we know His teachings will we come to understand the Messiah. (John 6:45).


Even with the Messiah leaving the Spirit behind, many will still reject truth.But follow their own man-made teachings.

Many want to hear only what they want to hear from the smooth teachers. They want to hear words that make them feel good.

Many that heard the truth will turn away to man-made teachings. (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

False prophets and teachers are among us. Can you decern who they are among your people.

If you cannot decern then they will influence believers with a little truth here and a little falsehood their and unknowingly deny the Messiah.

Many will believe and be misled by them.They are smooth talkers with man-made words.

Their falsehood will not end but they shall follow in the steps of the fallen angels who are locked up till judgement day.

Yah has left us witnesses of who he saved like Noah and did not destroy him with the wicked.


Yah destroyed two cities and left them for us to know what will happen if we live this same way.

Yah saved those who lived between wickedness like example Lot and his family.

Final judgement will come at the end for all wickedness.

The wicked ones are among the believers and they cannot stop sinning.

Judgement waits for those wicked ones who live in the flesh.

The corrupt promises freedom when there is no freedom as they are slaves to sin.

Many sinners turn away from wickedness, repent and accept the forgiveness of Yah and walk in truth.

But turn back to their old sinful ways.

The blood of Messiah pays the penalty of our sins, and the Spirit of Yah gives us a new spirit to reject sin and walk in newness of life. If we reject this Spirit from Yahuah and go back to our old way of life, then we are blaspheming the Spirit and rejecting eternal life.

It would have been better if they did not know and receive the truth.

Because as the proverb says, “A dog returns to his own vomit,” and, “A washed pig returns to her rolling in the mud.” (2 Peter 2:1-22).

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