Friday 3 September 2021

Blasphemy of the Name

Leviticus 24:16 ‘And he who blasphemes the Name of Yahuah shall certainly be put to death, and all the congregation certainly stone him, the stranger as well as the native. When he blasphemes the Name, he is put to death.

Yahusha (Jesus) was found guilty of blasphemy which eventually led to His death. This is what happened in Matthew 26:63-65 But Yahusha remained silent. So the high priest said to Him, “I put You to oath, by the living Elohim that You say to us if You are the Messiah, the Son of Elohim.” Yahusha said to him, “You have said it. Besides I say to you, from now you shall see the Son of Adam sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of the heaven.” Then the high priest tore his garments, saying, “He has blasphemed! Why do we need any more witnesses? See, now you have heard His blasphemy!


John 10:33 The Jews answered Him, saying, “We do not stone You for a good work, but for blasphemy, and because You, being a Man, make Yourself Elohim.”

There is only one command within the whole law (Torah), where a person is put to death for blasphemy and that is when a person blasphemy the Name of the Most High. So how did Yahusha blasphemy the Name and how can we blasphemy the Name?


Blasphemy according to the NAS Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon is strong's number H5344 "naqab" which means: A primitive root; to puncture, literally (to perforate, with more or less violence) or figuratively (to specify, designate, libel): - appoint, blaspheme, bore, curse, express, with holes, name, pierce, strike through. Curse according Hebrew: ‘H779 "aror" – Curse, to remove the influence of God, to be cursed, to be made a curse, cursed be he.

Yahusha could not have blasphemed the Name because He was from the beginning and He is the Word. Meaning He could not have blasphemed if He is part of Elohim. The Pharisees did not believe He was the Messiah therefore according to them He was blaspheming the Name.

How can we blasphemy the Name? First, we need to understand what is blaspheme. According to Hebrew strong's H5344 it means to puncture the Name, to pierce the Name, to make holes in the Name, to bore the Name, to curse the Name, to strike through the Name. According to normal English dictionary it means to defile the Name, disrespect the Name, insult the Name. Most of the Christian Bible dictionary says there is no Hebrew word equivalent to the English "blasphemy, " and the Greek root blaspheme, which is used fifty-five times in the New Testament, has a wide meaning. By this statement we know blasphemy in Hebrew does not have the same meaning as blasphemy in Greek or English.

According to Hebrew, blasphemy is to pierce, strike out, puncture the Name. In plain English, does it not mean to delete the Name or to scratch out the Name! Scratch out or delete the Name and replace the Name with a title!


The question we should ask ourselves are we blaspheme His Name unknowingly? We know Heavenly Father has mercy and understanding for those who have been taught wrongly.

This is serious; to blaspheme His Name when we know the truth and we can do something to change it! To blaspheme the name is literally to puncture, or to perforate (pierce and make a hole or holes in) with violence the name, or figuratively to libel or to curse, to express with holes, to pierce, or to strike through the name. Merely strike through the name and replace it with Lord; or Ha'Shem; or Adonai; or God. Substituting the Name of Yahuah with “LORD” or “Lord,” as has been done in most translations, is against all Scripture: (1) It is transgression of the Third Command which prohibits us from bringing His Name to naught, or falsifying it. (2) It is transgression of the command in Deuteronomy 4:2, “Do not add to the Word which I command you, and do not take away from it.” This is repeated in Deuteronomy 12:32, Proverbs 30:6, Revelation 22:18-19. (3) Yahuah reproves the prophets in Jeremiah 23:36, “You have changed the Words of the living Elohim...”


Note: I’m not pointing any finger to anyone calling the Heavenly Father “God or Lord,” all I’m saying is the Almighty has a Name and He wants us as believers to call upon His Name.

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