Thursday 9 September 2021

Why call on His Name

The Catholic pope and the Jewish Rabbis prohibit the people of using the Creator's Name! Why would they do this?

The Christian Church is no different as they also do not say His Name! It could be that the Christian forefathers did not know the Name or they were not allowed to use the Name.

Today the Christians and the Jews use substituted titles when speaking about the Almighty Creator: Lord, God, Here, Adonai, HaShem and so on. I ask again, why can the Name not be said?

What does scripture say about His Name! Heavenly Father says in Exodus 20:2 “I am YHVH your Elohim, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. The KJV, NIV, ISV & NKJV will say this; "I am the Lord your God." The Jewish Bible says this; "I am Adonai your God."

YHVH (YHWH) is the Creator's Name in the Hebrew language and when you pronounce the Name in English it is Yahuah. The Almighty said this to Moses in Exodus 3:15 And Elohim (Almighty) said further to Moses, “Thus you are to say to the children of Israel, ‘YHVH (Yahuah) Almighty of your fathers, the Almighty of Abraham, the Almighty of Isaac, and the Almighty of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance to all generations.’ Note the part of the verse - This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance to all generations.’


So, the Name is forever and for all generations, which includes us and our future generations. The Almighty Creator's Name does exist and it is forever.

Why then are we calling Him by titles and not by His Name. The leaders of the Church and the Jewish Rabbis say we must use the titles like Lord and Adonai.

Let's look at where these titles come from and what they mean. The word "Baal" is from Hebrew and means the following: Strong's H1166 and H1167 says this; to be lord, to rule over, possess, own, master, husband, owner, captain, lord, married man.... If I read Exodus 20:2andExodus 3:15 again, I then ask myself is this what He wants to be known by?

Are we really prohibited to call on His Name? What does the Bible say about this?

The song Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 32:3 “For I proclaim the Name of YHVH (Yahuah), ascribe greatness to our Elohim (Almighty).

Deuteronomy 6:13 “Fear YHVH (Yahuah) your Elohim (Almighty) and serve Him, and swear by His Name.

Deuteronomy 10:8 At that time YHVH (Yahuah) separated the tribe of Lewi to bear the ark of the covenant of YHVH, to stand before YHVH, to serve Him, and to bless in His Name, to this day.

Deuteronomy 10:20 “Fear YHVH (Yahuah) your Elohim. Serve Him, and cling to Him, and swear by His Name.

Deuteronomy 18:7 then he shall serve in the Name of YHVH (Yahuah) his Elohim, like all his brothers the Levites, who are standing there before YHVH.

So, we hear that His Name must be said!


Hear what David says in Psalm 22:22 I make known Your Name to My brothers; In the midst of the assembly I praise You.

Psalm 45:17 I cause Your Name to be remembered in all generations; Therefore, the people praise You forever and ever.

Psalm 68:4 Sing to Elohim (Almighty), sing praises to His Name. Raise up a highway for Him who rides through the deserts, by His Name Yah, and exult before Him.

Psalm 91:14“Because he cleaves to Me in love, therefore I deliver him; I set him on high, because he has known My Name. “When he calls on Me, I answer him; I am with him in distress; I deliver him and esteem him. “With long life I satisfy him, and show him My deliverance.”

Psalm 138:2 I bow myself toward Your set-apart temple, and give thanks to Your Name for Your kindness and for Your truth; For You have made great Your Word, Your Name, above all.


Joel 2:32 “And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of YHVH (Yahuah) shall be delivered (saved). For on Mount Tsiyon and in Jerusalem there shall be an escape as YHVH has said, and among the survivors whom YHVH calls.

Jeremiah 10:25 Pour out Your wrath on the gentiles who do not know You, and on the tribes who do not call on Your Name. For they have eaten up Jacob, devoured him and consumed him, and laid waste his home.

Zechariah 13:7-9 “O sword, awake against My Shepherd, against the Man who is My Companion,” declares YHVH (Yahuah) of hosts. “Smite the Shepherd, and let the sheep be scattered. But I shall turn My hand upon the little ones. And it shall be throughout all the soil,” declares YHVH, “that two thirds therein are cut off and die, and one third is left therein. “And I shall bring the third into fire, and refine them as silver is refined, and try them as gold is tried. They shall call on My Name, and I shall answer them. I shall say, ‘This is My people,’ while they say, ‘YHVH is my Elohim.’ ”

Are we understanding? The Almighty wants us to call Him by His Name, not by a title.


Proverbs 30:4 Who has gone up to the heavens and come down? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has bound the waters in a garment? Who established all the ends of the earth? What is His Name, and what is His Son’s Name, if you know it?

Do you know the Father and the Son’s Name?

Now what does the New Testament say about His Name? Hear these words from Yahusha (Jesus)!

John 17:6 “I have revealed Your Name to the men whom You gave Me out of the world. They were Yours, and You gave them to Me, and they have guarded Your Word.

In this High Priestly prayer of Yahusha, He repeatedly emphasizes the Name and the Word of YHVH (Yahuah).

John 17:25-26 “O righteous Father, indeed the world did not know You, but I knew You, and these knew that You sent Me. “And I have made Your Name known to them, and shall make it known, so that the love with which You loved Me might be in them, and I in them.”

The religious leaders were avoiding the Father's Name because of their man-made traditions but Yahusha was making it known!

Do you understand now why Yahusha was found guilty on blasphemy? It was because He used the Name of the Almighty.

Hebrews 2:12 saying, “I shall announce Your Name to My brothers, in the midst of the congregation I shall sing praise to You.”

Matthew 6:9 (KJV) After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.


Yahusha is saying in this pray that Father’s Name is Holy and should be made Holy. If we do not know what Father’s Name is, how can we make His Name Holy.

Still today Yahusha is making His Name known!

Are you making His Name known?

It is your choice if you want to use titles like God when speaking about or to the Almighty Father, but know this, the scripture clearly tells us that He wants us to call Him by His Name and to make it Holy. 


  1. Praise YAHUUAH. For there is power in the Name of YAHHUAH. ELUMANIM told and us that they would be able to cast out demons. Those who turned their back on YAHUUAH gave up this power for money and things instead. And ELUMANIM told us why they would hide this knowledge from us. For My Names sake. Knowledge is power. Proclaim the Name YAHUUAH.

  2. HalleluYAH, Praise Him. Well said thank you.
