Thursday 7 October 2021

Be aware believer

Be on the lookout, believers, for fear that a heart of unbelief make you fall away from the living Creator Elohim (Hebrew 3:12).

Let us as true believers, encourage one another daily, to not hardened our heart by the deliberate practicing of sin without repentance which will lead to a hardened heart and quench the Ruach (Holy Spirit) (Hebrew 3:13).


As we become partakers of Messiah in this true covenant of Yahuah, let us hold fast till the end (Hebrew 3:14).

David warns us not to harden our hearts when we hear His voice (His Spirit)as our forefathers did who saw His great wonders and still provoked Him when He led them out of slavery.

Father was grieved with them for forty years because their hearts led them astray (Psalm 95:7-10 and Hebrew 3:15-17).

For He is our Elohim, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.Today, if you would hear His voice:“Do not harden your hearts as in Meribah, and as in the day of Massah in the wilderness,“When your fathers tried Me, have proved Me, though they saw My work.“For forty years I was grieved with that generation, and said, ‘They are a people who go astray in their hearts, and they do not know My ways’ – Psalm 95:7-10.

Let us learn from their mistakes and not turn away from our belief in Yahuah our Creator.

We cannot be a lukewarm believer; we need to be a light for Yahuah and walk in His path.

It is our calling as a true believer.


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